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SHL6-1.25-P锅炉设计 摘要 锅炉作为一种能源转换设备,在工业生产中得到了广泛的应用。它通过煤、石油或天然气的燃烧放出的化学能,并通过传热把热量传递给水,使水加热(或变成蒸气),热水直供给工业生产和民用生活、供暖,所以锅炉的主要任务是:把燃料中的化学能最有效的转变为热能。 本次毕业设计的题目是SHL6-1.25/115/70-P。 在锅炉设计的过程中,主要考虑的因素是保证炉内着火,炉膛内有足够的辐射热量,煤的燃尽程度以及炉膛容积热负荷和炉膛面积热负荷的影响,热负荷过大就会引起爆管;热负荷过小就会导致炉内温度分布不均。影响锅炉管束的主要因素是烟气温度、速度,如果过高则会造成对流受热面工作条件的恶化和剧烈磨损。在整个锅炉结构的设计过程中,一定要确保有一定的气密性以保证炉膛内进行微负压燃烧。在锅炉尾部装有铸铁省煤器和空气预热器,目的是降烟温度,提高锅炉效率。 设计简介如下:该锅炉为双锅筒横置式自然循环锅炉。燃尽室四周布置水冷壁,可吸收炉膛的辐射热量并保护炉墙。炉膛后部设有燃尽室,有利于燃料的充分燃烧,并起飞灰尘降的作用。上下锅筒布置密集的对流管束,为主要的对流受热面。 设计图纸全部采用CAD绘图,包括锅炉总图、炉墙图、上锅筒展开图、本体图。 关键词 燃烧;换热;强度 The Design of SHL6-1.25/115/70-P Boiler Abstract In recent years along with the extensive application of the energy equipments, boiler this kind of energy that heats the work quality to the certain temperature and the pressure transmit heat the research and exploitation of the equipments to also be subjected to a value. The topic that the graduation of this time design is the SHL6 - 1.25/115/70-P , belonging to the water-tube natural circulation boiler.The design is in the light of the standard that the safety and dependability beginning in design of this the boiler type .Synthesize to consider combustion, transmit heat, the motive characteristic of the smoke spirit and air and the work quality and wear away with the corrosion.The factor of the main consideration is to promise a stove inside catch fire, stove there is enough radiation calories in the , of the coal exhausted smoke of degree and reasonable spirit speed and row the smoke temperature.Also need to insure to have to certainly annoy airtight with assurance stove in the meantime inside carry on taking to press combustion. In the process of the design ,we carry through the thermodynamic energy calculation,the intensity calculation and gas resistance calculation.The calculation of the thermodynamic energy include the furnace,the burning-out we should pay attention to the arrangement of the water-cooled walls and the structure of the burning-out zone sh


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