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  海 洋 石 油  2 8   4  O FFSHO RE  O I L    ·77 · :1008-2336 (200 8)04-0077-07 杨文达 (, 20120 8)  :海洋石油钻井平台是海洋油气勘探开发的重要手段, 其安全就位和稳定施 , 与井场区海底的 程地质条件密 切相关。就事关平台安全的 程地质条件预测评价技术作了研究, 评价预测了与自升式钻井平台稳定作业有关的软弱 下卧地层的穿插和持力、海底斜坡条件下 程地质层稳定性、半潜式钻井平台的锚固力以及不同底质条件下海底底流的 冲蚀。 推荐了实践有效的半经验计算公式, 为海洋石油钻井平台井场 程地质条件的稳定评价提供参考。 :;;; :P642     :A Evaluation researches of engineering geological condition of offshore oil drilling platforms Yang Wenda (No.1 Marine Geological Investigation Party, SINOPEC Shanghai OffshorePetroleum Bureau, Shanghai 201208) Abstract:M arine oil drilling pla forms is an impor an inves ig a ion ins rumen in he explora ion and ex - ploi a ion for off shore oil and gas, w hose safe ber h and s eady produc ion has a close rela ionship o engi- neering geological condi ion of sea floo r of well f ield.Evalua ing echnique of he engineering geological con - di ion w hich rela es o drilling pla fo rm safe y has been s udied in his paper.For ins ance, evalua ing and forecas ing a weaker soil layer in i s punched-hrough or bearing capaci y ha rela es o he safe y of self-el- eva ing offshore drilling pla forms;evalua ing and forecas ing he s abili y of engineering geology layer on he slope of sea floor condi ions;evalua ing and f orecas ing anchor hold s reng h of semi-submersible drilling pla forms;evalua ing and f orecas ing he differen condi ions of sea bed w hich was eroded by ocean curren . A n available semi-empi rical formula w as recommended in order o supply a s able judgmen of engineering geological condi ion for marine oil drilling pla f orm s. Key words:marine oil drilling pla f orms;safe produc ion;engineering geological condi ion;research of evalu - a ion



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