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商丘职业技术学院 毕 业 设 计 Flash电子相册 学生姓名: 院 系: 计算机系 专 业: 计算机应用 学 号: 辅导教师: 提交日期:2012年3月12日 摘 要 flash是美国Macromedia公司推出的优秀软件。它是一种交互式动画设计工具。 如今,Flash作为网络动画的创作软件,已经越来越多地深入到传媒的各个领域,包括广告、影视、动漫、游戏、网页、课件、演示产品宣传等。flash作为一个矢量动画的制作软件,其用途和功能已经超越了普通动画制作软件的标准,正在向一个交互平台的方向前进,在全球范围内,它已经成为网络多媒体的代名词、这些都说明flash软件的真正用途,那就是交互多媒体,它有着信息传递效率高、受众接受度高、宣传效果好的显著优势。 本次毕业设计以Flash软件作为主要的动画制作工具,并用ACDSee软件进行图片格式的转化和大小的压缩,完成了电子相册的制作。 本论文主要介绍了电子相册的设计过程和实现方法。最后,在论文的结尾部分,对动画设计过程中出现的问题作了深入的思考和总结,并向在本次制作毕业设计过程中为我提供帮助的老师和同学表示感谢。 关键词:flash 动画 电子相册 Abstract FLASH is the United States of America MACROMEDIA company introduced the excellent software. It is an interactive animation design tools. Now, FLASH as the web animation creation software, has been more and more depth to the media in various fields, including advertising, film, animation, games, webpage, courseware, demo product promotion. FLASH as a vector animation software, its uses and functions have been beyond the ordinary animation software standard, is to an interactive platform direction, in the global scope, it has become synonymous with multimedia network, these are examples of FLASH software real purpose, that is the interactive multimedia, it has the information transmission efficiency is high, the audience acceptance, publicity advantage. The graduation design with FLASH software as the main animation tool, and use ACDSEE software for image format transformation and the size of the compressed, completed the electronic album production. This paper mainly introduces the electronic album design process and implementation method. Finally, in the last part, the animation design process problems made a thorough thinking and summing up, and to the production of graduation design process for me to help the teachers and students to express thanks. Keyword:flash Animation Electronic album 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u


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