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本 科 生 毕 业 设 计(论文) (2010届) 工程技术系 题 目:16×16点阵 LED电子显示屏的设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专业班级: 指导教师: 职称: 讲师 职称: 2010 年 5 月 12 日 16×16点阵LED电子显示屏的设计 摘要:电子显示屏的应用范围越来越广泛,它作为一个重要的宣传平台,已经受到全社会的普遍认可。本课题以单片机为控制核心,通过8x8 LED电子显示屏及相关的外围电路,设计制作了一个16x16 点阵LED电子显示屏。 本文介绍了基于AT89C51单片机点阵显示屏的设计方案,阐述了16×16点阵LED显示屏的设计原理与思路,详细叙述了系统硬件、软件设计的具体实现过程。论文重点阐述了显示模块及相关驱动模块等的模块化设计思路与制作方法。软件部分同样也采用模块化的设计思想,包括中断模块、显示模块,并采用简单流通性强的C语言编程实现。系统能实现清晰的图文伴随跑马形式移入移出显示等功能。在实际设计调试过程中,通过肉眼观察该显示屏显示的图文是否稳定、清晰无串扰,查找造成图文不清晰的根源,确定调整方案,尽可能的使显示图文与要求相符合。 关键词:AT89C51;单片机;LED显示屏 Design of digital 16×16 dot matrix LED electronic display screen Abstract: LED electronic display screens, which are applied more and more widely, have been generally accepted by the whole society as an important propagandistic platform. In this work, a digital 16×16 dot matrix LED electronic display screen was designed and made from a 8x8 LED electronic display screen and the related peripheral circuits, with a microcontroller as the controlling core. This thesis introduces the design of a dot matrix display based on AT89C51 microcontroller, describing the design ideas of 16×16 dot matrix LED display, and expounding the realization process of system hardware and software design in detail. This thesis focuses on the design ideas and making of modularization of display module and related driving modules. Software design including interrupt module and display module is also the idea of modularization, and it comes true by the application of a simple and popular C language programming. System can achieve the function of a clear graphic with Happy Valley with moving-out and moving-in display. During the actual design and debugging process, they observe the stability of the pictures on the scream through eyes, and find if they are clear without any interference, and work


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