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本科毕业设计 (2009届) 题 目 基于.Net的健身俱乐部管理系统的设计和实现 学 院 软件学院 专 业 软件工程 班 级 软件工程3班 学 号学生姓名 高丽萍 指导教师 金洁洁 完成日期 2009年5月 摘 要 随着社会经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人开始重视和关爱自己的身体健康,不断提高自己的生活品质,渐渐地,健身运动便成为了一种时尚,成为了一种重要的休闲生活方式。因此,健身俱乐部管理系统也由此而出现了。它不但可以方便用户的使用,而且最重要的是它减轻了健身俱乐部经营者的负担,减少经营者的工作量,方便经营者的管理。因此,设计一款健身俱乐部专用的管理系统是非常必要的。 本论文主要论述了基于ASP.net3.5技术为开发平台的“健身俱乐部管理系统”系统的分析和设计。 本文在实现和管理网站的基础上,主要对健身俱乐部管理系统功能的设计,构建了系统的体系结构。主要采用ASP.net3.5技术,基于B/S结构的开发模式,剖析了三层结构的逻辑和功能的划分,结合系统本身的特点和模块的具体需求,对设计和实现过程进行了详细论述。并采用SQL Server 2005作为后台数据库的开发工具,能够比较灵活地适应网络的较大访问量的需求,大大的提高了系统的安全性和可靠性。 本文主要对用户登录、用户信息管理、健身项目及健身场地的添加(发布)、删除、修改、查询等功能的设计和实现进行了论述。解决目前主要存在的问题:信息处理速度慢,影响信息的及时性;易出现错误,影响信息的准确性;不便于查询等。 关键词:健身俱乐部管理;ASP.net 3.5;SQL Server2005;B/S结构 ABSTRACT With the rapid socio-economic development, people’s living standards improve, and more and more people pay attention and care to their own health, continuously improving their qualities of life. Gradually, the exercise has become a fashion, and has become an important way of living leisure. The Gymnasium club management system thus was born. It can be used friendly, and most importantly, through the system, the Gymnasium club could reduce its operating costs, reduce the workload of operators, and facilitate the management of the operator, Hence, a dedicated Gymnasium club management system is designed essentially. This paper presents the system analysis, design and implement of “Gymnasium club Management System”, which is based on ASP.Net3.5 technology as developing platform. This paper is based on the realization and management of the site, build of the function design, and setting up the system architecture for the Gymnasium club Management System。Based on ASP.net3.5technologies, the system development adopts B/S architecture, which discusses the division of logic and the function in the 3-tiered architecture in detail, and then discusses the analysis and design of the present layer, application layer and data layer separately according to the



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