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形容词、副词比较级复习 两者之间或者两方面之间的比较需要用到形容词与副词的比较级结构。 比较级的规则变化: 一般的单音节词,及少数的双音节词,在后面加-er. (smaller, higher,longer,fewer) 以不发音的 e结尾的单词,直接在单词后面加r.(later,bluer,closer,finer) 重读闭音节,词尾是一个元音字母加一个辅音字母,双写最后一个字母,加 er.(bigger, fatter,thinner,hotter) 词尾是辅音字母加y的双音节单词,去y改成 i再加er.(happier,busier,prettier) 比较级的不规则变化 good/well----better bad-----worse far----farther little-----less many/much----more ill---worse Practice: 说出比较级 wet hot early warm fast long cold happy well fine short old big easy high nice large heavy small light blue red near close often 比较对象+系动词/be动词+形容词比较级+than+另一个比较对象 形容词的: 比较级的基本句型结构 The white bag is cheaper than the blue one. The moon looks bigger than the stars 副词的 比较对象+行为动词+副词比较级+than+另一个比较对象 She runs faster than her sister. Tom studies harder than Mary. Her sports shoes are__________than mine.(clean) Our classroom is ____________than theirs. (noisy) Which is _________, the moon or the star? (big) There is __________milk in this glass than in that one.(much) This pen is __________than that one.(good) Which subject do you like________, English or maths? (well) She learns Chinese __________. (well) Her home is ______ to the school than any other student in her class.(close) This hen is _________ than that one.( fat) This TV set is _________than all the others. (cheap) Our football team is _________than theirs.(bad) 我的年龄比你大。 他跳得比我高。 电影院比学校远 这个问题比那个简单。 cleaner I am older than you. He jumps higher than I . The cinema is farther than the school. This question is easier than that one. noisier bigger more better better well closer fatter cheaper worse Tom Peter Lucy, Jack tall,short fast big small old ,young dance well The boy is taller than the girl. The girl is short than the boy. Tom runs faster than Peter. The white glass is bigger than the green one. The green glass is smaller than the white one. The boy is older than the


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