安徽高中教科研联盟学年高三摸底测试 英语试卷.doc

安徽高中教科研联盟学年高三摸底测试 英语试卷.doc

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安徽高中教科研联盟学年高三摸底测试 英语试卷

安徽高中教科研联盟2014学年高三摸底测试 英语试卷 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。用答题卡的考生,先把选出的最佳选项标在试卷的相应位置,再转涂到答题卡上。 21. — I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have scolded you the other day. —_______. I know exactly how you feel. A. That’s right. B. All right. C. No problem. D. Don’t mention it. 22. As for me, you will have ______ better understanding of ______ life after you have lived with people here for weeks. A. a; / B. a; the C. the; a D. /; the 23. Two new television stations have just come on air and are competing with another 120 newspapers and magazines _______ attention. A. with B. for C. by D. against 24. Nowadays parents ________ great importance to their children reading early, so they often tell kids stories before bedtime. A. adjust B. adopt C. attach D. appeal 25. While protests have removed the minister from his position, the country has been suffering a sharp ______ in its economy. A. decline B. decoration C. tendency D. frequency 26. Xi’an, ______ by man since prehistoric(史前的) times, is one of China’s oldest cities. A. having been settled B. settling C. being settled D. settled 27. Kids have an amazing ability to recall the ads they’ve seen. Fast food markets know this, and design ads _______. A. confusingly B. surprisingly C. accordingly D. increasingly 28. You can’t appreciate English poetry ________ you understand its rhythms. A. once B. since C. while D. unless 29. If the car _______ break down on the way, you would have to walk back. A. should B. would C. could D. must 30. You will be worn out if you _______ more work than you can. A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out 31. Max ______ to the company for the position of senior clerk and he is waiting anxiously for the result. A. will apply B. is applying C. had applied D. applied 32. _______ is often the case with fairy tales, the leading characters will live happily ever after.


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