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基于B/S的新华书店(北京学院路店)售书管理信息系统设计与开发 Based on B/S of the xinhua bookstore (Beijing xueyuan road shop) books management information system design and development 学部: 信息学部 专业: 计算机科学与技术 毕业设计(论文)完成时间: 自 2012 年 10 月 至 2013 年 4 月 摘 要 新华书店(北京学院路店)售书管理信息系统是一个基于Internet,采用B/S模式,并根据现有的网上书店系统的现状而设计开发的电子商务平台。 首先介绍了新华书店售书管理信息系统的开发背景,然后论述了系统的设计目标,系统需求和总体设计方案,较详细的论述了系统的详细设计和实现,最后对新华书店售书管理信息系统简单介绍。 新华书店售书管理信息系统是以VS2010和SQL 2008数据库作为开发平台。使用ASP.NET 设计操作控件和编写操作程序,完成数据输入、修改、存储、调用查询等作用;并使用SQL 2008数据库形成数据表,进行数据的管理。新华书店售书系统主要由用户模块和管理员模块两部分组成。用户模块主要包括:用户注册,登陆/验证,书籍浏览,购书单。管理员模块主要包括:管理员登陆,库存管理,管理员管理,订单管理,用户管理。通过这些前台、后台功能模块的设计,基本上实现了整个网上售书交易过程。 关键词:B/S、数据库、售书管理信息系统 Abstract Xinhua bookstore (Beijing xueyuan road shop) is an internet-based books management information system, using B/S mode, and according to the existing and the present situation of the online bookstore system design and development of e-commerce platform. Firstly introduces xinhua bookstore books management information system development background, and then discusses the system design objectives, system requirements and overall design, in detail elaborated the system detailed design and implementation of the simple introduction of xinhua bookstore books management information system. Xinhua bookstore books management information system based on VS2010 and SQL 2008 database as a development platform. Use ASP.NET design operating controls and written operating procedures, complete the data entry, modification, storage, call query etc; And form data tables using SQL 2008 database, for data management. Xinhua bookstore books system mainly consists of two parts, the user module and administrator module. User module mainly includes: user registration, login/authentication, browsing books, book list. The administrator module includes: the administrator login, inventory management, administrator management, order management, user management. Through these at the front desk and bac


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