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江 西 理 工 大 学 南 昌 校 区 毕 业 设 计 题 目:基于Solidworks的减速器的虚拟设计 系 :机电工程系 专 业: 机电一体化技术 班 级:08机电一体化(2)班 摘 要 在现代制造业中,研究开发以产品设计为目标,全过程综合应用 CAD及相关一体化集成技术已成为必然趋势,这种趋势有利于提高产品的设计水平,并且缩短科研和新产品开发周期,大幅度提高劳动生产率。而减速器作为一种重要的动力传递装置,CAD技术被更广泛的应用到减速器设计中去。 本文完成了减速器的机械设计后,利用 Solidworks软件的有关命令完成一个一级圆柱齿轮减速器的三维模型及齿轮、轴、箱体等各个零件的三维建模,通过各个零件之间的配合关系加以约束,将各个零件模型装配起来,标准零件由 Toolbox导入,装配到减速器实体中去,完成装配体,并利用该软件生成二维工程图,用干涉对零件各个部分进行检查,通过修改配合约束或者尺寸大小,消除零件之间的干涉情况,通过 Solidworks软件插件 Cosmosmotion的仿真运动功能,检查、优化设计方案,观察齿轮的啮合情况,并在最后输出齿轮啮合的动画。实现了减速器的运动仿真,完成了减速器在计算机上的虚拟设计。 关键词: SolidWorks ;减速器 ;三维建模 ;仿真 ABSTRACT In modern manufacturing industry, product design is the objective of research and development,the comprehensive application of the whole process of integration of CAD and related integrated techno logy have become an inevitable trend, which is conducive to raising the level of product design, and to reduce consumption, and new products development cycle, substantial increase in labor productivity. The reducer is an important driving force transmission device, therefore, CAD technology has been applied to a wider range of gearbox design. The paper completed the mechanical design of the gearbox, used SolidWorks software to complete the three-dimensional model of gearbox and gear, shaft, tank and other parts of the threed imensional modeling, related the various parts and components to the assembly model byconstraint, imported the standard components from the Toolbox, assembled the reducer entities to complete the assembly and used the software to generate two-dimensional engineering drawings, parts used to interfere in various parts of the inspection, by modifying the size constraints or eliminating interference between the parts through SolidWorks Simulation software plug-in motor function Cosmosmotion to check and optimize the design, observed the mating gear and the meshing gears in the final output of the animation. The realization of the motion simulation of the gearbox was completed based on the



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