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Teaching Plan for College English (New Edition) Book 4 Text book Integrated Course Students Undergraduates for all specialties at CSU Time Schedule 6 hours (intensive reading 4 hours and listening course 2 hours) Teaching Methods Multiple media teaching and interactive approach in classroom Teaching materials Software offered by SFLEP Unit 1 Fighting with the forces of nature Objectives Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text; do a comparison and contrast between Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union; master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Pre-reading Tasks 1. Song 2. Napoleon Nelson: Horatio Nelson: British admiral admiral .海军上将, 舰队司令 who defeated the French fleet in the Battle of the Nile (1798), thus ending Napoleons attempt to conquer Egypt, and destroyed French and Spanish naval forces at Trafalgar (1805), where he was mortally wounded.怀康待,霍拉肖1758-1805英国海军上将,在尼罗河战役(1798年)中打败法国舰队,这样就结束了拿破仑征服埃及的企图。1805年在特拉尔加摧毁了法国和西班牙的海军力量并身负重伤 Trafalgar: A cape on the southwest coast of Spain northwest of the Strait of Gibraltar.特拉法尔加角位于西班牙西南海岸的海角,在直布罗陀海峡西北。 Peninsular [the Peninsula ]【史】(1808-1814年西葡“半岛战争”中指)伊比里亚/ 古西班牙 (Iberia)半岛 Elba: An island of Italy in the Tyrrhenian Sea between Corsica and the mainland. Napoleon Bonaparte spent his first period of exile here (May 1814-February 1815).厄尔巴岛意大利的一个岛屿,位于第勒尼安海,在意大利半岛和科西嘉岛之间,拿破仑·波拿巴的第一次放逐地(1814年5月-1815年2月) Waterloo: A town of central Belgium near Brussels. Napoleon met his final defeat in the Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815)滑铁卢比利时中部靠近布鲁塞尔的城镇。拿破仑在滑铁卢上役中(1815年6 Video clips 1) ridge: bombardment: 炮击;轰击 --a noise of heavy bombardment猛烈的炮击声 hurl: 猛投/冲,/撞 cavalry: Troops trained to fight on horseback骑兵被训练在马背上战斗的部队 intersperse: To distribute among other things at intervals散置,点缀: --interspe



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