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PAGE 论文 LY12铝/AZ31镁异种合金储能焊研究 X X (XX理工材料科学与工程学院材控XX班,XX XX 1234567) 指导老师:XXX [摘要]: 应用微型储能焊机对LY12铝合金AZ31镁合金细直径板材材进行了快速凝固焊接,观察了接头组织,测试了接头性能,分析了接头组织形成机理以及焊接工艺参数对焊接质量的影响。结果表明: 应用储能电容瞬间放电所产生的高能量可以实现LY12铝合金AZ31镁合金板材的焊接,获得了对接接头。接头由形状规则的扁球状熔核和熔核与母材接壤的熔合区组成。熔核和半熔化区均形成了均匀细小致密的快速凝固组织。由于在快速凝固焊接过程中熔融态金属发生了剧烈地液相流动,熔核组织呈现出蜗状流线形貌。熔合区宽度约3~5μm,与熔合区毗邻的母材组织未出现粗化迹象。 在焊接能量及焊接时间一定的条件下,电极力和焊接电压对接头力学性能具有显著影响,其中焊接电压的影响要更显著一些。 基于电网电压存在波动及充电电容放电的不稳定性,焊接能量波动较大,焊接质量的稳定性有待于进一步提高。 [关键词]:LY12,AZ31,快速凝固焊接,接头组织及性能,储能焊 Mg-Al alloys discharge welding dissimilar alloys XXX (Grade06,Class4,Major control materials,Material Institute,XX University of Technology,XX 1234567,Shaanxi) Tutor: XX [Abstract]: The small palte of LY12 and AZ31 were welded by using a micro CDW machine. The microstructure of welding joint was observed and the mechanical properties of the joint were tested. The microstructure formation mechanism of joint was analyzed, and the influence of welding parameters on join quality was researched. The results indicate that the welding of LY12 and AZ31 with small plate can be realized by capacitor discharge welding and butting joint was obtained,which HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) compose the shape of the rules of joint melt nuclear and shallow spherical nuclear fusion with respect to the border area. Molten core and half were formed a uniform melt area with small compact rapid solidification microstructure. Under the electrode pressure and electromagnetic force in progress of rapid solidification welding,the liquid phase flow occurs in undercooled nugget,which is symmetrical about the electrode axis and connection interface and results in the formation of curving streamline.. The thickness of semi-meltzone was only 3-5μm, and there was no obviouse hange of mierostrueture in heat-affected zone. In the certain welding energy and welding time conditions, welding voltage and HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) electrode HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) pressure have significant influence on joint mec



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