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农林经济管理专业优秀毕业论文-我国现行粮食补贴政策 毕 业 论 文 论文题目 我国现行粮食补贴政策分析 以吉林省辽源市为例 学 院 经济管理学院 专业年级 农林经济管理02级 摘要 粮食行业是较为特殊的行业其承担着国家政治安全经济稳定社会保障社会稳定等公共品特性因此政府须采取必要的调控手段予以重点保护粮食直接补贴是当今世界许多国家采取的旨在保护和发展本国粮食产业的重要政策我国从2004年开始全面实施对种粮农民的直接补贴政策两年多来产生了一定的政策效果但也存在着一些问题 本文在整个粮改框架下分析了我国现行粮食直接补贴政策的背景意义及运行情况认为从总体上来讲该政策直接惠及农民提高了农民的种粮积极性有利于我国的粮食安全本文采取理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法以吉林省辽源市为例分析了粮食直接补贴对农民的种粮意愿收入和生产投入的影响 文章分别从微观经济学和宏观经济运行的角度指出现行粮食直补政策存在的局限性并联系实际提出完善粮食直接补贴的政策建议 关键词粮食直接补贴农民收入粮食安全 Abstract Food industry is a kind of special industry and it commits of the states political security economic stability social security social stability and other public characteristicsTherefore the government must take means to control key protection Food subsidies are directly taken by many countries in the world to protect and develop national food industries Since 2004 the full implementation of direct subsidies to farmers have been placed Todaythe policy has a definite effect but there are also some problems Placed under the framework of Chinese food reform we conduct an analysis of the current food direct payments policy and form the opinion that although this policy as a whole provides direct profits to farmerspromotes farmers enthusiasm for food plantingand is conducive to Chinas food security This article takes a combination of theoretical research and empirical analysis of the ways to Liaoyuan City Jilin Province For example the analysis of direct payments to farmers will of planting grain farm income and production inputs This article from the operation of micro-economics and macroeconomic perspective that the current food direct payments policy limitations exist Then the writer addresses the problem with reality by improving food direct payments policy recommendations Keywords Food Direct Payments Farmers Income Grain Security 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 11 选题的背景及意义 1 111 粮食产业的特殊性 1 112 实行粮食直接补贴政策的背景 3 113 实行粮食直接补贴政策的现实意义 3 12 文献综述 4 13 研究目标和研究方法 6 第2章 现有粮食直接补贴政策的类型及评价 7 21 按计税面积


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