剑桥商务英语授课Unit 14.doc

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剑桥商务英语授课Unit 14

Unit 14 (a) Direct service provider I. Teaching Objectives: i. To enable Ss to talk about insurance and changes in working practices ii. To practise listening for specific information iii. To review language of future possibility/probability II. Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary III. Teaching Process: i.Unit overview ·The call centre Warmer: Ss discuss the advantages and popularity of call centres. Listening 1: Ss listen to a manager talk about why his company uses call centres and complete notes about the company. Ss then listen again and answer multiple-choice questions. Vocabulary: Ss match insurance words with definitions. Language focus: Ss review the language of future possibility and probability. Speaking: Ss discuss four statements about the future. ·Working in a call centre Listening 2: Ss decide if statements about a call centre are true or false then listen to the manager and check their answers. Reading: Ss look at descriptions f people and say who might be interested in working in a call centre. Speaking: Ss discuss what changes direct services and the Internet might bring. ·Self-study Vocabulary: Keyword exercise (insurance). Odd one out exercise. Gap-filling exercise (insurance). Exam practice: Multiple-choice gap-fill test. ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1 The call center Background: 呼叫中心是英国发展最迅速的行业之一。越来越多的金融服务企业向保险公司,银行已将经营方式改成以电话为主要手段的经营方式。它们正在建立集中的电话中心,处理全国的呼叫业务。呼叫中心通常设在商务园区和城区以外,土地较为便宜的地区。顾客服务中心的营业时间比商业大街的商店长得多,每天几乎是随时提供迅速的应答。强大的数据库和先进的电话技术使许多公司能够高效率的处理频繁的电话,轻松的监督公司的服务质量和大幅度减少成本。英国是欧洲呼叫中心数量最多的国家,从业人员中目前约有1%的人从事这个行业。这个数字会在不久的将来上升到2%。 Call centers are one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK. As more and more financial service companies such as insurance companies and banks change to telephone-based business practices, they are setting up centralized telephone centers which handle all national calls. The call centers are usually set up in business parks and out-of-town l


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