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河南机电高等专科学校 毕业设计 设计题目:轴承座铸造工艺设计 系 部 材料工程系 专 业 材料成型与控制技术 班 级 材料111 学生姓名 刘欢 学 号 111308103 指导教师 邓想 xxxx年 月 日 轴承座铸造工艺设计 摘 要:本轴承座为一小型铸件,铸件材质为ZG230-450,结构简单,无复杂的型腔和阻碍起模的凸起。铸件的外形尺寸为350mm×350mm×175mm,主要壁厚为30mm,壁厚基本均匀。轴承座采用ZG230-450是一种铸造碳钢,是新牌号表示方法(GB11352-89),原牌号叫ZG25。从轴承座的整体结构特点出发,进行铸造工艺设计分析,确定铸造方案,并进行铸造工艺参数和砂芯的设计,在此基础上再根据铸件的材质重量和浇注系统性能设计补缩系统。采用水玻璃砂手工造型、制芯、木摸样和开放式浇注系统,设计时应综合考虑各方面因素,浇注系统不是简单地金属液流动通道,用solidworks三维造型后,采用华铸CAE软件对设计方案进行浇注、凝固模拟计算。结果显示,浇注系统设计合理,缩松缩孔缺陷留在了冒口区。 关键词:轴承座,工艺设计,华铸CAE BEARING CASTING PROCESS DESIGN ABSTRACT: The bearing as a small-sized castings, casting material of ZG230-450, simple structure, no complex cavity and obstacles to draw. The appearance of the casting size is 350 mm × 350 mm× 350 mm, the main wall thickness of 30 mm, basic uniform wall thickness. Bearing the ZG230-450 is a kind of casting steel, is a new brand representation (GB11352-89), the original brand name is ZG25. From the overall structure of the bearing characteristics, analysis of casting process design, determine the casting solution, and casting process parameters and the design of sand core, on this basis, according to the material weight of the casting and pouring system performance design of the feeding system. Used sodium silicate sand handmade molding and core making, wood touch kind and open gating system, the design should be considered when the factors, the gating system is not simply the metal liquid flow channel, with solidworks 3 d modelling, the China foundry CAE software is adopted to design plans for pouring and solidification simulation. Results show that the pouring system design is reasonable, the shrinkage porosity defect on the KouOu. KEY WORDS: Bearing seat,Process design,China Casting CAE 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc29402 1 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc7874 1.1国外铸造技术发展状况 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2940 1.2我国铸造技术的现状 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc22392 1.3铸造


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