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电气工程及其自动化专业毕业设计:海韵逸思小区3#住宅楼电气设计 摘 要 本次设计的题目是青岛海韵?逸思小区3#楼电气设计。通过具体的实例工程设计,初步掌握高层建筑强、弱电系统设计的基本方法本次设计中以强电系统设计为主,更好的将理论和实践相结合,将大学四年来所学的课程及知识应用到自己的专业中去,也为将来的工作打下良好的基础。同时也可以更加详细地学习建筑规范,提高自己独立完成工程设计的实际操作和研究能力。 本论文针对民用高层建筑电气的设计和使用需要,在重点表述强、弱电系统设计与计算的同时,侧重于电气基本理论和基本知识。设计中,总体按照民用建筑设计规范来建立设计的整体思路,并完成强、弱电系统的负荷计算、设备选型、系统构成、照度计算以及施工图的绘制,包括系统图和平面图等。图纸共34张,其中系统图包括配电系统图、垂直配电干线图、弱电系统图、消防报警及联动控制系统图;平面图包括电力平面图、照明平面图、消防报警及联动控制平面图、屋顶防雷平面图、基础接地平面图。 关键词:电气设计 高层住宅 强弱电 Abstract The design of the subject is the Qingdao Haiyun Civic District 3 # building electrical system design. Specific instances of engineering design, preliminary master the high-rise buildings, the design of the weak system, a better combination of theory and practice of the four years of college courses and knowledge to their professional, but also for work in the future and lay a good foundation. Building codes can also learn in more detail to improve their own independent practical to complete the engineering design and research capabilities. This thesis focuses on the design and use of civilian high-rise buildings electrical needs expressed in key, weak system design and calculation at the same time, focus on basic electrical theory and basic knowledge. Design, the overall in accordance with the civil design specifications to create the whole idea of the design and complete the strong and weak electric systems, load calculations, equipment selection, system configuration, illumination calculations, and the drawing of construction plans, including map and floor plan. Drawing a total of 34, the system diagram, including the distribution system diagram, the vertical distribution main map, weak systems diagrams, fire alarm and linkage control system diagram; plan, including the power plan, lighting plan, fire alarm and control plan, roof lightning protection plan, basic ground plan. Keywords: electrical design; high-rise residential; Strong and weak electric 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1工程概况 1 1.2 设计



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