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绿色壁垒与食品安全:WTO下的中国农产品江怡,男,1962年生,讲师,研究方向为制度经济、农村经济、消费经济、国际贸易、货币银行学等,现任职于江苏省常州市委党校经济教研室 单位地址:江苏省常州市 邮编:213016 E-mail:
江怡,男,1962年生,讲师,研究方向为制度经济、农村经济、消费经济、国际贸易、货币银行学等,现任职于江苏省常州市委党校经济教研室 单位地址:江苏省常州市 邮编:213016 E-mail:dx302jj@
手机 联系电话:0519-3976017(O) 0519-6984930(H)
江 怡
摘 要:二战后,西方发达国家追求经济、社会、环境三个目标效益平衡发展的经济模式,社会进步明显,环保效果显著。西方民众高质量的生活水平提高了衣食住行的条件、用品的安全和卫生的标准,他们迫使国家通过立法来保障其权益。西方发达国家倡导以保护人类健康和生态环境为目的的“绿色革命”。人们消费安全、优质、营养、无污染的绿色食品。“绿色壁垒”是技术性贸易壁垒的重要内容之一。WTO对正当的绿色壁垒是持肯定态度的。中国农产品在对欧盟和日本出口中屡遭“绿色壁垒”。中国农产品自身“先天不足”:过量使用化肥、农药,药残超标,科技含量低,质量水平落后于西方发达国家10—20年。加入WTO,对中国农产品的出口,既是机遇,又是挑战。只有苦练内功,提升质量,按国际惯例的游戏规则“出牌”,走生态种植、养殖的“绿色道路”,才能变被动为主动。
关键词:绿色壁垒 食品安全 WTO 中国农产品 贸易摩擦
Abstract: After Second World War, The Western developed countries sought the economic model with the balance development of three goals benefits of economy ,society and environment, social progress is obvious and there’s prominent effect in environment protection .The high quality of the western life standard improves the good condition of clothes, food, living and traveling, The western people ask their countrie governments to guarantee their rights by legislation .The western developed contries initate the “ Green Revolution ” with the purpose of protecting the human beings’ health and ecological environment .People purchase and eat safe, high qualify ,nutritive, no pollution green foods “Green Barrier” is one of the most important contents on technological trade barriers. WTO agrees to the proper green barriers. Agriculture products of China meet the “Green barriers” in the export to EU and Japan. Of course, Agriculture products of China suffer from an inherent shortage :to utilize chemical fentilizer, agriculture chemical excessively, the remains of the chemical exceed that standard ones, the content in science and technology is shortage and the quality level falls behind that in western developed countries for 10—20years.It’s both chance and c