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无锡科技职业学院· 动漫设计与制作专业 毕业设计 (论文) PAGE 18 《荷》动画短片制作 摘要:水墨动画是我国特有的一种动画样式。它没有轮廓线,由水墨在宣纸上自然渲染,浑然天成,一个个场景就是一幅幅出色的水墨画。角色的动作和表情优美灵动,泼墨山水的背景豪放壮丽,柔和的笔调充满诗意。以豪放、简练、洒落的笔墨描绘物象的形神,抒发作者的感情。通过对中国水墨画进行深入观察和量化分析,结合当前计算机图形硬件的发展以及3D动画技术,本作品进行了基于可编程图形硬件的3D水墨动画技术研究。首先是对3D模型进行水墨风格的基本渲染,包括轮廓渲染、内部晕染和单笔渲染。根据曲面轮廓线的定义,由视线与法向量的夹角的余弦值与预先定义的阈值之间的关系确定轮廓点的范围,进行轮廓渲染。并在此基础上加入了宽度控制,使得本文的方法适用于各种复杂程度的模型。通过轮廓勾勒体现出物象的基本特征后,再根据水墨画的墨色特点以及泼墨技法,采用墨色分阶的方法进行内部晕染,并通过FALLOFF对结果进行处理,得到水墨晕染效果。然后,本作品了展示了在三维空间进行水墨扩散的方法。对结果进行插值处理,获得披发状水墨扩散在3D空间的展示效果。本文的研究,对于弘扬中国传统艺术以及拓展图形学研究领域都有着重要的意义,同时,本文的工作对于水墨风格的3D动画制作也有着非常重要的现实意义。 关键字:三维动画、水墨画、传统、文化、传承 The Taximeter Design Abstract:Ink Animation is an animation of our unique style. It does not outline, from ink and paper, rendering natural, totally natural, one scenario is a good brush and ink pieces. The role of movements and facial expressions and beautiful, bold ink magnificent landscape background, the soft poetic style. In bold, concise, crisp pen-and describe the images and spirit, to express the authors feelings. Depth of Chinese ink painting through observation and quantitative analysis, with the current development of computer graphics hardware and 3D animation techniques, this work was based on programmable graphics hardware, 3D animation of ink. The first is the 3D model of the basic rendering ink style, including outline rendering, the internal bleeding of paints and single rendering. Under the surface contour defined by the line of sight and the normal vectors and the cosine of the angle between the pre-defined threshold to determine the relationship between the range of contour points, contour rendering. On this basis, adding the width of the control, so this method is applicable to all kinds of complexity of the model. Reflected by contours outline the basic characteristics of images, and then under the ink of the ink characteristics and ink techniques, the use of ink, a phased approach to internal bleeding of paints, and t


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