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;A hero is a man who does what he can. — Romain Rolland;;Contents;Lead-in;;;1. Do you regard Wesley Austrey as a hero? Why or why not? ;;2. What would you do if you were at the scene?;;;;;Questions previewing;;;Main idea structure;Main ideas of the parts;;Part I — (Para.1);What examples of heroic deeds does the author provide in Para. 2 and 3?;What conclusion does the author draw from the two examples? ( Para.4);Part II — (Paras. 2-4);Structure (Paras. 1-4);;These people were called heroes because they performed acts of _____________________.;;Question: Do first responders who fail to achieve their goals in their efforts become heroes? (Para. 9);Para. III — (Paras. 5-12);;The stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and, being inspired by them, we can also be heroes when circumstances call on us to act heroically. ;Text A is an essay on people’s view about what makes a hero. It is pointed out that in the past the word “hero” was reserved for those who performed acts of courage beyond the call of duty or for great leaders, while today heroes can be ordinary people like us. Besides, first responders, whose duty is to rush toward danger, are also heroes, even when their efforts failed to bring about desirable effects. Hopefully, we will also act heroically when circumstances call on us.;Example 1 (civilian heroes);Example 1 (civilian heroes);Example 1 (civilian heroes);Examples;;;;Practical phrases;按压,给…施加压力;使… …免受… …;被卷入;陷入;保留;预留;理解;认同;理解,弄懂某事;授权;依靠;指望;Language focus;在过去,“英雄”一词仅限于称呼那些做出超乎职责范围的特别英勇的行为的人们。 ;It used to be that … ;( supreme power/image) ;一位战士冒着枪林弹雨去抢救其他战友,他被看作英雄。同样,超凡卓越的具有传奇色彩的领袖人物也是英雄,比如纳尔逊· 曼德拉。被囚禁于单人牢房27年后,曼德拉终于摆脱了牢狱生活。 ;Sb./Sth. is …. So is sb./sth. else./ So are some other people/some other things. ;(painstaking efforts/ valuable asset/setback ) ;我们指望应急人员冲向危险,尤其是当我们自身或我们所爱的人身处险境时。;Sb. do sth., especially when…. ;(recall/ strike);我们向消防队员、警察和普通平民致敬,赞扬其英雄精神。也许,甚至更为重要的是,我们要通过努力改变让他们遭遇不幸的环境来向他们致敬。 ;



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