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医学论文-白细胞分类检测的影响因素探讨 【摘要】? 目的? 探讨影响血液细胞分析仪测定白细胞分类的因素,排除假性增高和假性降低情况,必要时必须血片复核,准确地为临床提供可靠的诊治依据。? 方法? 使用Sysmex KX-21血液细胞分析仪及目视显微镜,同时对150例标本进行检查,对比分析。结果? 操作不顺利、标本采取后放置时间、温度及上机前标本混匀、振荡时间、力度等均可影响血液细胞分析仪正确对白细胞的分类。结论? 血液细胞分析仪并不能完全代替目视显微镜进行白细胞分类,对出现疑有异常白细胞警告报警,应分析原因,目视显微镜下白细胞分类或重新采血。 ??? 【关键词】? 血液细胞分析仪;白细胞分类;影响因素 ??? 【Abstract】? Objective? To discuss the factors that can effect the blood cells analyer to measure the classification of leukcyte and remove the situation of the pseudo increasing and decreasing and push a blood piece to examine and provide the clinical doctors with the reliable indentification of diagnosis and treatment accurately.? Methods?? With the Sysmex KX-21 blood cell analyer and the visual microscope,150 blood specimens were examinecl and had the constrary analysis in one time.Results? Being unsmooth on operation, setting aside the specimens for a long time after collecting, the temeprature and the mixture of specimens, the duration and power of osillation and so on are all effect the accurate classification of leukcyte in the blood cells analyer.? Conclusions?? The? blood cells analyer cannot compeletely replace the visual microscope to examine the classification of leakcyte. When appearing the doubts and warning reports on the unusual leakcyte, reasons should be analied and classification should be in the visual microscope or blood specimen should be collected again. ??? 【Key words】? blood cells analyzer; classification of leukocyte; the influential factors ??? 外周血白细胞分类,是白细胞分析中一项十分重要的内容,是临床诊断和鉴别诊断的重要指标之一。近几年来,随着科学技术的不断发展,各种型号血液细胞分析仪,在各级医院检验科已广泛应用,特别是白细胞自动分类和异常白细胞警告提示,改变了目视显微镜分类方法,大大减轻了检验人员的劳动强度,使工作效率明显提高。但是,目前很多检验人员因对三分类血细胞分析仪性能缺乏足够的认识,误认为血细胞分析仪分类结果,完全可以代替目视显微镜分类结果,而忽视某些结果需要复片的重要性。为此,本文将对日本Sysmex公司生产的KX-21血细胞分析仪白细胞分类,与目视显微镜复片分类,对异常白细胞检出率进行对比分析。找出使用血细胞分析仪检测白细胞分类的影响因素,现探讨如下。 ??? 1? 材料与方法 ??? 1.1? 仪器? 血液细胞分析仪(Sysmex KX-21),为日本Sysmex公司产品。 ??? 1.2? 试剂? 全部配套试剂和质控液。 ??? 1.3? 方法? 随机抽查门诊患者150例,静脉采血,EDTA-K2抗凝。室温放置15min后,充分混匀,上机测试。同时推血片一张,室温自然干燥,瑞氏染色,目视显微镜下进行白细胞分


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