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第 28卷  第 3 期 隧道建设 Vol. 28 No. 3   2008年 6 月               Tunne l C on stru c tion               June 2008 岩溶隧道涌突水原因分析及治理技术探讨 张炜 , 李治国, 王全胜 (中铁隧道集团有限公司洛阳科学技术研究所 , 河南 洛阳 47 1009) 摘要 : 对岩溶发育特征与涌突水的关系作了深入介绍并给出了判断标准 ,提出岩溶涌水与气温 、降雨量和降雨强度 、施工引起的应 力分布等因素有关 ,通过数值模拟和理论分析阐述了岩溶突水的止水岩柱受拉破坏 、裂隙剪切破坏 、裂隙水力扩张 、块体失稳破坏 等突水机理 ,并对突水压力和突水量的估算和岩溶治理技术做了介绍 。 关键词 : 岩溶隧道 ; 涌突水机理 ; 止水岩柱 ; 裂隙; 治理技术 中图分类号 : U 55 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 : 1672 - 74 1X (2008) 03 - 0257 - 06 Cause Ana lysis and Coun term ea sures for W a ter Gush ing of Karst Tunnels ZHAN G W ei, L I Zh iguo, WAN G Quan sheng ( L uoy ang R esea rch Ins titu te of S cience and Technology, Ch ina R a ilw ay Tunnel Group Co. , L td. , L uoy ang 47 1009, H enan, Ch ina) A b stract: The relation sh ip between the karst developm en t featu re s and the water gu she s are p re sen ted in detail and a s se ssm en t criteria is p ropo sed; it is p ropo sed that the karst water gu she s are related to the atmo sp heric temp eratu re, rain fall and rainfall in ten sity and the stre ss distribu tion cau sed by the con struction; the water gu sh ing m echan ism s, such a s the ten sion ing failu re of the watersealing rock co lum n s, the shearing failu re of the fissu re s, the hydrodynam ic exp an sion of the fissu re s and the stab ilitylo sing failu re of the ground, are expounded by m ean s of num erical analysis and theoreti cal analysis; the e stim ation of the water gu sh ing quan tity and the water gu sh ing p re ssu re, a s well a s the karst treatm en t techno logy, are p re sen ted. Key words: karst tunnel; water gu sh ing m echan ic s; watersealing rock co lum n; fissu re; treatm en t techno l


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