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AS9100D Quality management systems — Requirements for Aviation, 质量管理体系 –对于航空、航天以及国防组织 Space, and Defense Organizations 的要求 RATIONALE 理论基础 This standard has been revised to incorporate the new clause 本标准已经根据 I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 1 5 的新条款结构 structure and content of ISO 9001:2015. In addition, industry 及内容进行了修订。此外,应 I S O 9 0 0 1 修订及 requirements, definitions, and notes have been revised in 相关利益方的需求,行业要求、定义及注释也做 response to both ISO 9001 revisions and stakeholder needs. 了相应修订。 FOREWORD 前言 To assure customer satisfaction, aviation, space, and defense 为了确保客户满意,航空、航天和国防组织必须 organizations must provide, and continually improve, safe and 提供并持续改进安全及可靠的产品和服务,以满 reliable products and services that meet or exceed customer 足并超越客户和适用的法律法规要求。该行业的 and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. The 全球化,各区域及各国要求和期望的多样性,使 globalization of the industry and the resulting diversity of 这个目标更为复杂。从世界及供应链的各级外部 regional and national requirements and expectations have 供方处采购产品和服务,对于组织来说是一项挑 complicated this objective. Organizations have the challenge 战。向具有不同质量要求和期望的各类客户交付 of purchasing products and services from external providers 产品和服务,对外部供方来说也是一项挑战。 throughout the world and at all levels of the supply chain. External providers have the challenge of delivering products and services to multiple customers having varying quality requirements and expectations. Industry has established the International Aerospace Quality 行业建立了国际航空质量组织(I A Q G. ,代表来 Group (IAQG., with representatives from aviation, space, and 自美国、亚太和欧洲的航空、航天及国防的公司, defense companies in the Americas, Asia/Pacific, and Europe, 来推进质量方面的重大改进和整个价值流中成 to implement initiatives that make significant improvements in 本降低。本标准由 I


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