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篇一:帮助别人的英语演讲稿 to succeed is to serve what is success? success is special and individual for each person or group. for a kid, success maybe means winning a game; for a researcher, success means solving a problem or creating a new device; for a football team, success means being the champion. success is not based on monetary gains alone; but on personal belief and value systems, and society. i feel that the definition of success depends on their personal belief and value system. oftentimes, focus is placed on the end result instead of appreciating the small successes obtained at each stage.lady diana spencer, princess of whales, is remembered and respected by people all over the world more for her beauty, kindness, humanity and charitable activities than for her technical skills.《帮助别人,快乐自己》演讲稿 “帮助他人,快乐自己。”这句公益广告语,相信大家是不会陌生的了。赠人玫瑰,手留 余香。我们去帮助别人,别人得到了快乐,自己也因为别人的快乐而有一种幸福的感觉。 什么是快乐?《汉语辞典》的解释是:“使人感到幸福与满意”。生活中的你我他,谁没 有这样或那样的难题与困惑?诚如科学家爱因斯坦所说:“只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的 生活就会显得特别美好”。我记得《读者》杂志上有一篇文章中这样写道,“帮助他人好比自己只是与大家一起分享 了兜里的两块糖,同时也能让自己品味到从未品味到的甜蜜。其实,快乐和幸福,就像阳光 一样无所不在。一个人,无论身处怎样的境遇,只要他怀揣着两块糖,一块慷慨地赠人,一 块留下自己慢慢品尝,就自有真实的快乐如泉水涌来,自有绵绵的幸福飘逸在生活当中。”我 们生活在大千世界,为什么不让自己快乐地生活呢?我们给予他人的帮助就像一个接力棒, 你传递给他人,他人传递给另外一个人,这样快乐就会传递到更多人那里。我们生活在社会 这个大家族里,我们就能接触很多需要帮助、需要关爱的人。人喜欢被他人关心的感觉。我 们遇到难题都希望得到他人的帮助,我们帮助他人的同时,也是帮助自己。 人生其实是很公平的,你付出多少,就会用不同的方式得到回报。你播种什么就会收获 什么,你给予什么就得到什么。同在一片蓝天下,只要我们心中时刻想着他人,大家互助互 爱,我们的生活就会变得更加美好,我们这个大家庭也会更加和睦! 助人为乐是我们的传统美德,为何不把这种美德发扬下去呢?帮助他人,快乐自己,是 多么愉悦的事情。篇三:英语演讲稿hjd初中组g ① ② ③ ④ 雷锋 生活 健康的 . 梦 my dream ,chinese dream good evening, ladies and gentlemen.my name is he yunqi, you can call me jennifer. i’m34 classes. first let me introduce myself first. i am a sunshine to the girl. i like to dance, because i think, this is a kind of health and beauty of the sport. i’m glad to stand here speech today. the title of my speech today is “chinese dream”. everyone has a dream, like a star, like the moon, hanging in the mo