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摘要 进入20世纪90年代以来,随着计算机技术突飞猛进的发展,数控技术正不断朝着高速化、高精度复合化、智能化及信息网络化发展,从而提高所加工零件精度,提高生产效率、节约加工成本。数控加工技术是先进制造技术的基础与核心,数控加工技术的普及将使现代制造技术产生巨大变革,数控化更是一个国家制造现代化的一个重要标志。 这次毕业设计我选的课题是阶梯轴双配合件的数控车削加工。它突出了数控加工的特点及零件加工过程中的工艺性特点。自己利用设备执行零件的实体加工,加工出合格的零件。综合用了三年所学的专业知识:《机械制图》、《AUTO CAD》、《CACX电子图板》、《数控编程》、《数控加工工艺》、《机械制造基础》等,还运用了我们所学的基础知识如:计算机、英语等,等多门学科理论进行知识的巩固 ,又能锻炼自己的实际动手操作能力,了解刀具的材料、特点、以及如何选用刀具等一系列问题。这不仅学到了理论知识,还将理论运用在了实际加工当中,将理论与实践有机的结合在一起。 关键词:数控加工 阶梯轴 编程 圆锥螺纹 Abstract In the 1990 s, along with the computer technology development by leaps and bounds, numerical control technology is increasingly toward high, high precision, intelligence and information network compound development and improve the precision machining parts, improve the production efficiency, reducing the processing cost. Numerical control processing technology is advanced manufacturing technology of the foundation and the core, the popularity of the NC machining technology will make modern manufacturing technology produce huge transformation, numerical control is a national manufacturing modernization an important sign. The graduation design I choose a topic of shaft with a ladder is double the numerical control turning processing. It emphasizes theNC processing and the characteristics of the parts in the process of processing craft characteristics. I use my executive parts of the entity processing equipment, processing of qualified parts. Integrated with the three years major knowledge: the mechanical drawing, the AUTO CAD \quot;, \quot;CACX electronic board\quot;, \quot;numerical control programming\quot;, \quot;numerical control processing technology\quot;, \quot;mechanical manufacturing base\quot; and so on, USES what we have learned basic knowledge such as computer, English, the multi-discipline knowledge theory of consolidated, and can exercise their own practical operation ability, and understand the tool materials, features, and how to select the cutting tool and so on a series of problems. This not only


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