余华《活着》经典中英对照 2.ppt

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余华《活着》经典中英对照 2.ppt

余华作品;余 华; 1.His works are translated...;贫瘠、 干涸 依旧挺立…; ; Author`s Preface—— Yu Hua said in the preface: As a word ,`To live` ... power, ...not from shouting ...attacking...but...enduring...;Synopsis:; To live, so big a topic But ,there`s a person who... ;The book hero - Fu Gui ;;This tells the story of the death, but what wants us to learn is how to refuse to die. - The Italian La Repubblica July 21, 1997.;Son (Qing)s death Die innocently and ridiculously. Blood donation, unexpectedly is blooded too much, and die;Daughter (Fengxia)s death: Postpartum hemorrhage and died(rediculously even more patheticly);Wife ( zhen) Died in home, peacefully ; son-in-law(xi) died suddenly ;Grandson(gen) Die of eating too much beans ,bizarrely ;Everything is like a huge curse, an absurd fate.一切就像一个巨大的诅咒,一个荒谬的宿命 Nothing is left ,but with a old cow.什???都没有留下,除了一头老牛 ;书摘excerpt;书摘excerpt;书摘excerpt;活;福贵的一生经历了中国历史的变迁、社会的动荡,如解放后的土地改革、人民公社制度、大炼钢铁、三年自然灾害、文革等等,都通过男主人公的眼睛和亲身经历得到了一定程度的生动的再现。而在此期间,福贵也经历了与每个亲人、朋友的悲欢离合。; Through a series of novels death to represent living approach,which makes it great。 小说通过一系列的“死亡”来表现“活着”的手法,不得不使人拍案叫绝。;活; Maybe at now you should have understand something... what is life, what is alive.; ;; ;Please pray for our life! ;            Thanks for watching!


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