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天津2017年上半年材料员考试试卷 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 一、单项选择题(共 25 题,每题 2 分,每题的备选项中,只有 1 个事最符合题意) 1、交货检验的试验结果应在试验结束后__d内通知供方。 A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 2、抹面砂浆底层主要起__作用。 A.黏结 B.找平 C.装饰与保护 D.修复 3、垛砖时以交错重叠为宜,在使用小砖夹装卸时,须将砖侧放,每4块顶顺交叉,__为一层。 A.14块 B.15块 C.16块 D.17块 4、主要材料,一般都是库发材料,计算实际耗料数量的方法是__。 A.根据工程进度计算 B.进场划拨方法,结合盘点进行耗料 C.实行定额耗料,按实际完成工作量计算出材料用量,并结合盘点,计算出月度耗料数量 D.根据混凝土、砂浆配合比和水泥耗用量,计算其他材料用量,并按项目逐日记入材料发放记录,到月底累计结算,作为月度耗料数量 5、下列选项中,不属于烧结空心砖的产品等级的是__。 A.次品 B.合格品 C.优等品 D.一等品 6、某烘干砂500g,在各号筛(5.0、2.5、1.25、0.63、0.315、0.16)的累计筛余百分率分别为5%、15%、25%、60%、80%、98%,则该砂属于__。 A.粗砂 B.中砂 C.细砂 D.特细砂 7、密度等级为1100的烧结空心砖的5块密度平均值为__。 A.≤800kg/m3 B.801~900kg/m3 C.901~1000kg/m3 D.1001~1100kg/m3 8、能够改善混凝土耐久性的外加剂为__。 A.早强剂 B.引气剂 C.缓凝剂 D.速凝剂 9、仅适用于承受静荷载作用的碳素结构钢是__。 A.Q235A B.Q235B C.Q235C D.Q235D 10、对混凝土的要求不包括__。 A.和易性 B.耐久性 C.经济性 D.适用性 11、The cellphone, a device we have lived with for more than a decade, offers a good example of a popular technologyrsquo;s unforeseen side effects. More than one billion are (1) around the world, and when asked, their (2) say they love their phones for the safety and convenience (3) provide. People also report that they are (4) in their use of their phones. One opinion survey (5) that quot;98 percent of Americans say they move away from (6) when talking on a wireless phone in publicquot; (7) quot;86 percent say they rsquo;neverrsquo; or rsquo;rarelyrsquo; speak (8) wireless phonesquot; when conducting (9) with clerks or bank tellers. Clearly, there exists a (10) between our reported cell phone behavior and our actual behavior.Cellphone users--that is to say, most of us--are (11) instigators and victims of this form of conversational panhandling, and it (12) a cumulatively negative effect on social space. As the sociologist Erving Gotfman observed in another (13) , there is something deeply disturbing about people who arequot; (14) contactquot; in social situations because they are blatantly refusing to (15) to the norms of t


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