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优秀男子摔跤运动员部分身体的素质指标分析   摘 要: 为了解我国优秀男子摔跤运动员部分身体素质指标与国外选手的差异性,运用文献资料和数 理统计法对我国53名优秀摔跤队员进行研究,结合国外相关数据作对比分析。结果表明力量 耐力方面小级别优势明显,大级别需加强;下肢最大力量有待提高;运动员V#8226; O?2max为(52.23±2.85)mL/kg/min,相比伊朗(49.95±3.20)mL/kg/min具有优 势,但与加拿大选手 均值61.8 mL/kg/min及韩国选手均值60.2 mL/kg/min相比差距较大;柔韧素质(41.79±3 .42)cm,整体高于伊朗(41.03±5.04)cm,仅84 kg级低于伊朗;速度素质整体成绩(5.1 5±0.24)s与伊朗(5.17±0.12)s无差异,但在84 kg及以下级别均有优势,84kg以上级别 有待提高,尤其是120 kg级我国选手与之差距较大。   关键词:优秀;男子摔跤运动员;身体素质   中图分类号:G886.214 文献标识码:A 文章 编号:1007-3612(2011)05-0136-05   Analysis on the Partial Indexes of the Physical Fitness of the M ale Elite Wrestlers   LIU Jian?1,YANG Tao?2,YA Li?kun?2   (1.Hunan City College,Yiyang 413000,Hunan China; 2.Xinjiang   Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,Xinjiang China)   Abstract: In order to find out the difference on the partial indexes of physical fitness o f elite male wrestlers between China and abroad,the paper used the documentatio n and mathematical statistics methods to study on 53 male wrestlers,and compare d some of the relevant data from abroad.The result indicated that the strength   endurance of Chinese lightweight wrestlers is dominant significantly than abroad ,but the Chinese heavyweight wrestlers need to be improved,and the maximal str ength of lower limbs need strengthening; The average VO2max of Chinese athletes   is 52.23±2.85 mL/kg/min,a little better then Iran’s 49.95±3.20 mL/kg/min .But compared with Canadian’s average 61.8 mL/kg/min and Korea’s 60.2 mL/kg /min,they have a big gap.The average level of the flexibility index is 41.79 ±3.42 cm,a little better than Iran’s 41.03±5.04 cm,but in the 50kg and 8 4kg category they are weaker than the Iranians.For the speed quality,there is   no difference between China’s (5.15±0.24)s and Iran’s (5.17±0.12)s,only   below the 84 kg category Chinese wrestlers’ have advantages,but above 84 kg, especially the 120 kg category,they need to be improved urgently.   Key words: elite; male wrestler; physical fitness      摔跤项目历史悠久,从古代开始就风靡于古希腊、巴比伦


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