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茶产品中英文介绍: 一、绿茶 1、春眉茶 Chunmee Tea 432-22 春眉茶,其外形纤细如眉,峰毫显露,色泽绿润,内质香气飘香持久,汤色嫩绿明亮,滋味鲜醇爽口,叶底嫩绿匀齐。 Chunmee Tea (eyebrow tea) gets its name from the curve of the processed leaf. It was thought, when viewing the beautifully shaped leaf, that it resembled that of a womans finely formed eyebrow -- as opposed to an older mans bristly brow. Great skill is required to produce this very high-quality green tea. The fine eyebrow-shaped leaves produce a clear, yellow-greenish brew with a distinctive sweet, plum-like flavor. 2、绿珠茶 Gunpowder Tea 32-24 绿珠茶,揉叶成丸,浑圆紧实,落杯有声,色泽绿润,香味浓郁,被誉为“绿色珍珠”。 Gunpowder Tea is Chinese green tea named for the way the tea leaves are rolled into small pellets, which look like old-fashioned gunpowder. Rolling the tea leaves helps preserve its freshing flavor, produce an aromatic, light liquor which opens with a crisp astringency and develops into a well-rounded sweetness with a lingering, mellow finish. 3、野山茶 Wild Tea 480-84 野山茶,以采自远离人类生活区,无任何污染的高山原生态茶园的优质茶片为原料,采用古老的手工制作方式精心制作而成,加工过程,不采用任何现代机器设备和工艺,不添加任何辅助原料,能够较大程度的保留茶叶中儿茶素、茶多酚等营养物质不流失,从而保持了茶叶最原始的风味。 This product is made from the fresh and quality wild tea growing 1000M above the sea level in organic tea garden. With the guidance from the senior tea technical staffs, this product is a kind of tea by manual work with no pollution, no poison on it. It has tight, curly and tippy shape .Its dried tea color takes on green jade and bloom. It has heavy and strong fragrance and fresh, sweet and mellow taste. The tea residue takes on tender green and bright. This product is a superior one in tea.  4、初茶 Original Tea 20-13 初茶,以山谷茶园的春季茶片为原料,经过初步加工、分检、筛选而成。虽然外形没有精制茶美观和规格统一,但由于加工环节少,更好了保存了茶叶原有的香气和口味,能够较大程度的保留茶叶中儿茶素、茶多酚等营养物质不流失,是中国最普通最受欢迎的待客用茶。 This tea was processed very simply. It reserve whole of nutrients in the fresh tea leaves. So it was called the real tea.However the shape of original tea isnt very beautiful as the simply processing. But the nutrition is best and with competitive price. 5、芽茶 Bud Tea 1296-216 春茶


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