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D1 Team formation D2 Problem description D3 Containment Action D4 Root cause Analysis D5 Corrective Action D6 Verification of action effectiveness D7 Recurrence prevention D8 Congratulation your team Develop each corrective action according to D4. Process oriented ! Check list will be more efficiently D5 Corrective Action Discipline 5:Corrective Actions (矯正措施) Action item Responsible Due date Solar 8D D5 Standard form D1 Team formation D2 Problem description D3 Containment Action D4 Root cause Analysis D5Corrective Action D6 Verification of action effectiveness D7 Recurrence prevention D8 Congratulation your team 讓數字說話 D6 Verification of Action Effectiveness D6 Verification of Action Effectiveness 修改熱壓溫度後 P value 0.05, 拒絕Ho,P1P2 混粉比例變更是有效的 配粉比例變更後 混粉比例變更 Difference = p (1) - p (2) P-Value = 0.008 崩角ratio count Action前 2.15% 418 配粉比例變更 0.89% 550 熱壓溫度變更 0.58% 520 車刀變更 0.56% 530 熱壓溫度變更 Difference = p (1) - p (2) P-Value = 0.045 P value 0.05, 拒絕Ho,P1P2 改變熱壓溫度是有效的 車刀變更 Difference = p (1) - p (2) P-Value = 0.12 P value 0.05, 接受Ho,P1=P2 經過混粉比例及熱壓溫度變更後 不同的車刀已經對崩角無影響 換X型車刀 讓數字說話 D1 Team formation D2 Problem description D3 Containment Action D4 Root cause Analysis D5Corrective Action D6 Verification of action effectiveness D7 Recurrence prevention D8 Congratulation your team System oriented ! All quality issues should be closed based on Quality System ! ? What is our QS ? What kinds of systems could we apply ? - D/PFMEA / Quality Control Plan / PMP WI / SOP PS : Idiot proof D7 Recurrence Prevention D1 Team formation D2 Problem description D3 Containment Action D4 Root cause Analysis D5Corrective Action D6 Verification of action effectiveness D7 Recurrence prevention D8 Congratulation your team PS : Idiot proof D7 Recurrence Prevention 錯誤防止的效益 爭取零誤差 導致品質檢驗工作的消除 尊重操作員的智慧 取代一些原本需仰賴記憶的重複性工作 將操作員的部分時間與精力空出來從事其他更具創造力和高附加價值的活動 不良的種類 省略處理 處理不當 不正確建置工件 零件遺漏 零件錯置 處理錯誤工件 疏忽產生的錯誤 作業疏失 不正當調整 儀器未正常啟動 工具與機具未適當備妥 PS : Idiot proof D7 Recurrence Prevention 十種人為錯誤 遺忘


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