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20 11 4 A pr. 20 11 Jou rnal of A cad em y of A rm ored Force Eng ineering 25 2 V ol. 25 N o. 2 : 20 11) 45 1 1, 2 1 1 1 董世运, 张晓东 , 徐滨士 , 王志坚, 闫世兴 1. , 100072; 2. , 15000 1) : , , , ; , , , , , HV 700 ~ 750, : ; ; : TH 17 : A Laser C ladding Remanufacturing of 45 Steel Cam shaftW orn Cam 1 1, 2 1 1 1 DONG Sh iyun , ZHANG X iaodong , XU B inshi , WANG Zhijian , YAN Sh ix ing 1. N ational D efen se K ey Laboratory for R em anu factu ring T echnology, A cadem y of A rm ored Force Eng ineering, Beij ing 100072, Ch in a; 2. S chool of M ateria l S cien ce and C hem ical Engin eering, H arb in E ngineering U n ivers ity, H arb in 15000 1, Ch ina) Abstract: Cam shaft is a key com ponent of tank eng ine, and its serv ice process due to w earing oversize o f ten leads to cam fa ilure. In th is paper, laser c ladding technology is em ployed to rem anufacture the wo rn tank cam shaft. The c ladding coating thickness control is achieved by ad ju sting scanning ve loc ity in seg m ent. Edge com pensat ion m ethod is u sed to prevent the edge from collap sing. The cam c ladd ing path is proposed to shape a d mi ension w ith h igh accuracy. The cladded cam after m illing m ee ts the requirem ents of geom etrica l size. M icrostructure o f the cladd ing is dense w ithout cracks and pores defects. T he m icro hardness o f laser cladd ing layer is up tp HV 700 ~ 750, satisfy ing the design requirem en ts of



