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The most important CDM web site 常用CDM网站 The elements of the CDM Project Cycle (DOE,EB,DNA..) CDM项目周期元素组成 Submitted methodologies 已提交方法学 What is small scale CDM? 何谓小规模CDM项目? Registration of CDM projects CDM项目注册 Letter of Approval (LoA) and Unilateral CDM 批准函及单边CDM项目 CO2, CH4, and N2O emission factors CO2、CH4及N2O排放因子 Net calorific values for fuels 燃料净热值 Official homepage: 官方网站/ The Designated national Authorities (DOEs) 指定政府主管机构(DNA) 44% of all CDM projects are small-scale 小规模CDM项目占所有CDM项目的44% Why is small-scale easier? 为何小规模项目相对容易通过审核? Why is small-scale easier? 为何小规模项目相对容易通过审核? Calculation of leakage is only required for biomass projects and where new equipment and existing equipment at to places are exchanged. 只有生物质能项目及新旧设备交替处需进行泄漏计算 The same DOE may undertake validation and verification 审定及核查可由同一DOE完成 Bundling is allowed 可以小项目打捆 Small-scale projects are not always small 小规模项目并不“小” An efficient refrigerator saves 200 kWh/year. To be below 60 GWh of savings there is room for 300.000 refrigerators. 一台高效的电冰箱每年可节省200度电。为满足节约6千万度电的(小规模项目)的要求,则可涉及30万台冰箱。 A Solar home system often use a 50W solar PV. To be below the 15 MW there is room for 300.000 solar PVs 一个家用太阳能光伏系统通常 50瓦的容量。若满足1.5万千瓦,则可涉及30万个太阳能光伏系统 Special rules for small scale afforestation/reforestation 小规模造林/再造林项目特殊规定 A/R small scale methodologies ( 8 ktCO2) expected to be approved at COP/MOP1 小规模造林/再造林项目方法学( 8 ktCO2) 在COP/MOP1会议上被批准 Each host country has to define what a forest is 各东道国需对森林作出定义 A small-scale A/R project must be developed and implemented by a low-income community 小规模造林/再造林项目必须由低收入团体开发实施 Bundling was in the beginning only allowed for small-scale CDM projects. Now also for large scale projects. 在初期仅允许小规模CDM项目打捆 目前也允许大规模项目打捆 Bundling was in the beginning only allowed for small-scale CDM projects. Now also for large scale projects. 在初期仅允许小规模CDM项目打捆 目前也允许大规模项目打捆 One validation 一次审定 One registration 一次注册 One certification 一次认证 Rule for small scale bundles: 小规模捆绑规则: The si



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