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unless的基本用法 连词unless意为“除非……如果不……”,“除了……”,多引导一个否定意义的真实条件句,有时也可引导非真实条件旬。unless引导条件句时,主要用于下列情况。 (1)主句为肯定句。如: Unless I visit every bookstore in town.I shall not know whether I can get what l want.如果我不到城里每一家书店去看看,我就不知道是否能买到我想要的书。 You will miss the bus unless you hurry up.你要不快点就会错过班车。 You’ll fail in chemistry again unless you work harder.如果你不再加把劲,你化学考试还会不及格。 (2)主句为否定句。如: Unless you oil the motor regularly.it won’t run smoothly.要不是你经常给发动机上油。它就不会转得那么顺畅。 I wouldnt be saying this unless I were sure of the facts.要是我对这些事情没有把握,我就不说这话了。 You will never get anywhere unless you have set your goal.如果你不设定目标,你哪儿也去不了。 二、应注意的一些问题 1.unless不能与ifnot换用的情况 unless在意义上相当于if...not,因此在有些场合中unless与if...not可互换使用。 如: Unless I am mistaken.I’ve seen that man before.=lf I am not mistaken。I’ve seen that man before.如果我没搞错,我以前见过那个人。 Unless the strike has been called off,there will be no trains tomorrow.=lf the strike has not been called off。there will be no trains tomorrow.除非罢工结束了,明天才会有火车。 但在有些情况下,二者不可互换使用。如: (1)当unless引导非真实条件句时,一般不可改用if...not。如: They couldn’t afford to live in such an expensive apartment unless they were rich.除非他们很富有,否则就住不起这么昂贵的公寓。 They couldn’t have arrived at the site instantly unless the police had had a helicopter.除非警方有直升机,不然他们就不会即刻赶到事发地点。 以上两例中,unless从句均表示与事实相反的情况。如果把unless换成if...not(…if they were not rick,…if the police had not had a helicopter)就与原句意义完全相反了。 (2)if...not引导的条件分句可以重叠使用,unless则不可,因为unless表示唯一条 件,不能用and连接两个unless引导的从句。 如: She won’t lose weight if she does not keep a diet and if she does not take exercise every day.=She won’t lose weight unless she keeps a diet and takes exercise every day.除非她坚持节食、每天锻炼,否则是不能减肥的。 (3)unless引导的条件句可用否定结构,而if...not引导的条件句不可再加以否定,因为两个not不能重叠使用,因此在unless引导的否定条件旬中,不能用if...not替代unless。如: Dont ask me to explain unless you really don’t understand.除非你真不懂,不然别让我解释。 The directors have a meeting every Friday.unless there is nothing to discuss.董事会每周五开会,无事讨论除外。


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