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DFG型泵产 品介绍 DFG型泵产 品介绍 TTyyppe De DFFG pG prroodduucct ot ovveerrvvieieww DFG 型管道泵 Type DFG vertical centrifugal pump 特 点 Features DFG系列(并派生出热水型)管道泵是我公司利用优秀的水利模型,并根据各类用户在不同使用条件下精心设计而成,(符合 JB/T6878-2006标准)。 DFG series (pipe hot water pump is derived from this type) are designed carefully according to different working co- nditions. The hydraulic model is excellent. These pumps measure up to JB/T53058-93 quality standard. DFG系列管道泵由于电机与泵直联,简化了中间传动的结构,增强了运转的平稳性,轴封采用硬质合金机械密封,无泄漏。泵采用 管道式结构,泵的进出口能象阀门一样安装在管路的任何位置及任何方向,与普通卧式泵比占地面积减少了30%,且具有运转噪音 低、振动小等特点。易损件的使用寿命大大延长。本型泵以其性能稳定、高效节能、占地面积小、结构紧凑等特点,广受市场青睐。 The motor and pump are joined directly without transmission parts. So they operate smoothly. The shaft seal is made with hard alloy mechanical seal, therefore, there is no leakage. The inlet and outlet can be fixed anywhere like valves in pipeline. Com- pared with common horizontal pump, DFG series can decrease 30 percent floor space. Besides, they feature smooth operation and lower noise etc. The life of damageable parts is prolonged. In conclusion, this series pumps are favored in market because of their smooth operation, high efficiency, less energy consumption, small floor space and compact structure. 用 途 Applications 适用于工业、城市给水、高层建筑供水; Water supply in industry, cities and high-rises; 消防管道增压; Fire fighting pipeline pressurizing; 冷暖空调冷热水循环 ;Cold and hot water circulation in air-condition; 远距离输水; Transport water from far away; 生产工艺循环增压输送,并适用于各种给排水设备、锅炉等设备的配套使用; Pressurizing transport in industrial circulating system,and all kinds of water supply equipments, boiler etc. 工作条件 Operating conditions 吸排介质 的固体不溶物体积不超过体积 的1%,粒度 ≤0 .2 mm; T he volume of non-soluble solid in operating medium can 1 p ercent than which of total medium. Besides , granularity s hould not greater than 0.2 mm.; 3 流量范 围 Capacity range:2 ~ 1400 m / h; 扬程范 围 Head r


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