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关于自残的保证书 篇一:学生保证书   保证书   、系太原理工大学环境科学与工程学院XX级暖通1401班李阳同学的父母,因李阳于XX年3月16日出现过自残行为,学院建议我们对李阳进行医学诊断。综合考虑,我们自愿让李阳在太原理工大学建筑环境与能源应用专业1401班学习,并保证在校期间出现安全问题,由本人及家长负责,与学校无关。如出现对他人有安全问题的倾向,家长同意自动退学。   特此保证   学生家长(签字):   辅导员 (签字):   年 月 日 篇二:self-harm 关于自残   Self-harm is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions. Self-harm is most common in adolescence and young adulthood, usually first appe(本文来自:WWW.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草范文网:关于自残的保证书)aring between the ages of 12 and 24.   The most common form of self-harm is skin-cutting but self-harm also covers a wide range of behaviors including, but not limited to, burning, scratching, banging or hitting body parts, interfering with wound healing hair-pulling and the ingestion of toxic substances or objects. The motivations for self-harm vary and it may be used to fulfill a number of different functions. These functions include self-harm being used as a coping mechanism which provides temporary relief of intense feelings such as anxiety, depression, stress, emotional numbness or a sense of failure or self-loathing and other mental traits including low self-esteem or perfectionism.   Many self-harmers are very self-conscious of their wounds and scars and feel guilty about their behavior leading them to go to great lengths to conceal their behavior from others. They may offer alternative explanations for their injuries, or conceal their scars with clothing.   When self-harm is associated with depression, antidepressant drugs and treatments may be effective. Other approaches involve avoidance techniques, which focus on keeping the individual occupied with other activities, or replacing the act of self-harm with safer methods that do not lead to permanent damage. 篇三:承诺书   高一五部致诚三班入班承诺书   本着对学生,家长及学校管理负责的原则,郑重承诺:在   灵石一中学习期间认真学好各门文化课程,努力提高自身的各方面素质外,还必须做到以下方面:   1.严格遵守《灵石一中学生守则》,服从学校和班级的   管理,严格遵守学校和班级的各项管理制度。如有不服从学校和班级的管理,学经批评教育仍不改正,学校将作出勒令退学处理。   2


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