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Unit 1 Introduction to Industrial Engineering The Roles of IE Industrial engineering?(IE)?is?emerging as one of the classic*and novel professions that will be counted for solving complex and systematic problems in the highly technological world of today1.?In particular,with the rapid development of China’s economy and its acting as a center of world manufacturing industries,the demand for IE will increase and widen continuously and urgently. 工业工程是新兴的经典和新颖的将计算解决复杂和系统性的问题,在今天的高度科技世界职业之一。 ,特别是在中国快速发展的经济和其作为世界制造业中心的演技,为IE的需求将增加,并不断扩大和迫切。 A production system or service system includes inputs, transformation, and outputs. Through transformation, the added values are increased and the system efficiency and effectiveness are improved. Transformation processes rely on the technologies used and management sciences as well as their combination. 生产系统或服务系统,包括输入,转换和输出。通过改造,增加值的增加,系统的效率和效益都有所提高。转化过程中所使用的技术和管理科学以及它们的组合依靠。 Managing a production system or service system is a challenging and complex task—one that requires the knowledge of fundamental sciences, engineering sciences, behavioral sciences, computer and information sciences, economics, and a great number of topics concerning the basic principles and techniques of production and service systems.管理生产系统的服务体系,是一个具有挑战性和复杂的,行为科学,计算机和信息科学,经济,以及大量的主题有关的基本原则和技术,生产和服务系统的技术。 The Demand for IE Graduates对于IE 毕业生的需求 Industrial engineering curricula are designed to prepare the students to meet the challenges of the future for the construction of Chinese economic and harmonious society. Many IE graduates (IEs) will, indeed, design and run modern manufacturing systems and facilities. Others will select to engage in service activities such as health-caredelivery,?finance,?logistics,?transportation, education, public administration, or consulting and so on.工业工程课程设计准备的学生,以满足未来中国的经济和和谐社会建设的挑战。许多即毕业生(IES ),事实上,设计和运行现代制造系统和设施。其他选择从事服务活动,如健康,?ìcare 交付,金融,物流,交通,教育,公共管理,或咨询等。 The demand for IE graduates is strong and growing each year. In


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