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广东技术师范学院本科毕业论文(设计) PAGE 12 PAGE 1 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题 目:方块童趣—儿童家具设计 (英文): HYPERLINK /search/en/the The HYPERLINK /search/en/children Childrens Interesting Block—Children Furniture Design 院 别: 机电学院 专 业: 工业设计 姓 名: 陈友莲 学 号: 2007094543023 指导教师: 鄢莉 日 期: 2011年5月 方块童趣—儿童家具设计 摘要 爱是脚印,人们一代又一代地踩着、印着,沿着爱的足迹,走到今天,变成了希望、寄托和倾注,那就是孩子。 当今社会,在家长眼中最重要的就是孩子的健康成长,儿童家具设计则是一枝含苞待放的花朵。随着现代居住条件的不断改善,越来越多的儿童有了自己的房间,家长尽可能地为孩子营造一个良好的生活居住环境,儿童家具在营造儿童房的环境中起着主导作用。然而,作为家具设计中应该占重要地位的儿童家具设计的发展状态上还很不成熟,设计水平低。现有的儿童家具好多都是成人家具的“缩水版”, 或是停留在“看起来像”的层面上,不能满足儿童身心发展的需要。 本设计从人性化角度出发,以趣味性为前提,始终抓住儿童天生爱动、好奇心强的特点,将趣味性有机地溶入到儿童家具产品设计之中。同时,考虑家具的对孩子的益智作用,重视孩子智力的培养,通过益智儿童家具潜意识里锻炼孩子的思维、想象与动手能力,从而提高孩子的创新意识。最终以“俄罗斯方块”这一元素来体现设计中的趣味性及益智作用,通过模块化设计的形式来突出儿童家具的可变性、多功能和可持续性,体现家具可分享性,做到真正为儿童设计。 关键词:儿童家具;俄罗斯方块;趣味;益智;可变;模块化 HYPERLINK /search/en/the The HYPERLINK /search/en/children Childrens Interesting Block —Children Furniture Design ABSTRACT Love is the footprints, people for generations, print on the footprint, along the love, go today, hope, and pour into that child. In todays society, Childs healthy growth is the most important in parents eyes, childrens furniture design is a bridal flowers. With the constant improvement of modern living condition, more and more children have their own room, parents for their children as much as possible to build up a good living environment, childrens furniture in construction of children room environment plays a leading role. However, as furniture design should children, which occupies an important position in the development of furniture to design the states very immature, design level is low. The existing children furniture many are adult furniture shrink version, or stay in looks like level, and cant meet the needs of the development of childrens body and mind. This design, from human nature in interest for the premise, always catch children born love dynamic,


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