毕业设计 浅析建筑造型在服装上的运用.doc

毕业设计 浅析建筑造型在服装上的运用.doc

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毕业设计 浅析建筑造型在服装上的运用

2012桂林理工大学本科毕业设计·报告书 PAGE 19 PAGE 1 学 号: 题目类型:报告 (设计、论文、报告) 桂林理工大学 GUILIN 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:浅谈建筑造型在服装上的运用 ——《shape》系列 学 院: 艺术学院 专业(方向): 服装设计 班 级: 服装班 学 生: 飞儿香兽 指导教师: 2012年 06月 05日 摘 要 注重建筑般的立体空间,形体显露,细致描摹已是设计师们所追求的。自13世纪以来就逐步形成了“立体性”外形,完全以人体三维尺度为基础来剪布料,使其在缝合后形成与人体外形基本相一致的适体造型,蓄意烘托人体曲线,形成较固定的立体廓型;或为了炫耀人的体形特征,以更加立体的手法超越体形,任意向外部空间延展,以减弱人体的表征而夸张人体的局部特征。利用服饰造型的建筑特性,设计出更具有审美情趣和艺术价值的服饰造型。采用不同的材料,利用现代工业技术的加工手段来塑造艺术形态并表达设计师的感受,使作品具多维的立体造型形态及材质美感。 黑白两色向来是时尚界最酷炫的颜色,从古至今黑白色在服装中的运用远远超过其他颜色,在未来的发展中黑白色仍具有一席之地,给设计师们创作的宝贵灵感。黑白色的服装会成为经典,被世人所崇尚。 关键词:服装;建筑造型;黑白;PU皮革面料 An Introductory Analysis of Architectural Modeling as Applied to Clothing Student: YAN Wan-yue teacher: LI Zhen-ya Abstract Prioritization of three-dimensional space, clear definition of form, and meticulous realization of detail: these are the goals of designers. From the 13th century onward, there has been a gradual shift towards three-dimensional form, which takes the dimensions of the human body for its model. Clothing is sewn to match the bodys shape, as well as accentuate curves, to make a more definite outline or show off a persons best features. This can even purposefully depart from the original physical form by extending the space around certain features, minimizing the overall surface and thus highlighting those features. Clothing designers have realized that clothing design has an architectural characteristic to it, and so they have been able to design clothing of greater aesthetic and artistic value. The use of a variety of materials and modern industrial technology to create and express in an artistic way has given todays products a multifaceted three-dimensional feel, and has added to the beauty of clothing material. Black and white


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