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PAGE PAGE III 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:       专  业:  应用电子技术   班  级: 学  号: 姓  名: 指导老师: 成都工业学院 二〇一四年六月 摘要 随着社会的不断发展,功放出现在了人们生活的方方面面。目前,音频功率放大器仍以模拟功放为主流产品,模拟功放经历了数十年的不断改进和完善,其技术已发展到了顶峰。模拟类功放是以线性放大为基础,功率放大器件有电子管和晶体管两类。晶体管功放的最大优点是电源转换效率高(C类功放最大可达55%)、体积小、重量轻、发热量不大、生产成本低。缺点是转换速率低、偶次谐波失真较大。音质和可靠性指标都略逊于电子管功放。随着晶体管制造技术的不断提高和新技术的应用,各项实用性指标和可靠性指标都有很大改善,并不断在向更大的输出功率、更小的体积、更轻的重量、更多的功能和智能化方向发展 本设计是紧贴现实生活来设计的是一个实用音频功率放大器。设计电路主要由前置放大电路、音调控制电路及功率放大电路三部分构成,其中,前置放大电路采用同相比例运算器来实现电压的放大;音调控制电路采用负反馈式来实现音调控制;前置放大电路及音调控制电路均采用NE5532双运放实现,功率放大电路采用TDA2030功率放大器来实现功率放大。 关键词:音频功率放大器 NE5532 TDA2030 Abstract With the development of society, the power amplifier in all aspects of peoples lives. At present, the audio power amplifier with analog amplifier is the mainstream products, analog amplifier has experienced decades of continuous improvement and perfection, its technology has developed to a peak. Analog amplifier is based on class based linear amplification, the power amplification device has two kinds of electron tube and transistor. The main advantage of the transistor amplifier is a power conversion efficiency (class C power amplifier up to 55%), small volume, light weight, less heat, low production cost. Drawback is the low conversion rate, even higher harmonic distortion. Quality and reliability are displayed in the electronic tube power amplifier. With the continuous improvement of transistor manufacturing technology and new technology, the availability of indicators and reliability have been improved greatly, and continue to a greater output power, smaller volume, lighter weight, more functions and intelligent direction The design is close to the real life to the design of a practical audio power amplifier. Circuit design by the preamplifier circuit, tone control circuit and power amplification circuit is composed of three parts, wherein, the preamplifier circuit using


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