毕业设计论文 多功能水族箱控制系统的设计.doc

毕业设计论文 多功能水族箱控制系统的设计.doc

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毕业设计论文 多功能水族箱控制系统的设计

北华大学毕业设计(论文) - PAGE 1 - 摘  要 伴随着人们物质生活的改善和对高生活质量的追求,水族箱等工艺产品逐渐进入了人们的家庭、酒店、商场等场所。但是,目前市场上的水族箱的水温控制、液位控制、换水、喂食等一系列操作都需要人工进行。这不仅使过程非常繁琐,而且还间接的增加了人工成本。 本文基于对目前市场上大多数水族箱功能的分析和研究,提出了一种多功能的智能水族箱控制系统的设计方案。该系统以STC89C51单片机为核心芯片,结合各类传感器技术,集多种控制功能于一体,包括水族箱的恒温控制、液位高度控制、自动定时换水、自动投料喂食等,并且可根据个人需求设置控制参数。本文从功能简述、元器件选择、硬件电路设计和软件设计等几个方面对该控制系统进行阐述。 本系统经过较长时间的上电运行测试,能够把各项控制参数维持在误差允许的范围内,这表明该系统具有很高的可靠性。另外,该系统还具有操作简洁方便、参数实时显示等特点。同时该系统设计灵活、结构简单、成本低廉、易于规模化生产,可广泛用于家庭和酒店等适合水族箱安装的场所。 关键词:自动控制;AT89C51 关键词:自动控制;AT89C51单片机;水族箱;传感器技术 With the improvement of peoples material life and the pursuit of high quality of life, technology products such as aquatic animals gradually entered peoples family, hotels, shopping malls and other places. However, currently on the market of aquatic animals box temperature detection, level control, change water, feeding and a series of operation needs to be artificial. This not only makes the process is cumbersome, but also indirectly increase the labor costs. In this paper, based on the analysis of the function of most aquatic animals box on the market at present and research, put forward a kind of multi-functional intelligent control system of aquatic animals box design. STC89C51 microcontroller as the core chip, the system combines all kinds of sensor technology, integrating a variety of control functions, including tank thermostatic control, level control, automatic lighting, automatic timing change water, automatic feeding, feeding, etc., and set up control parameters according to individual demand. This paper briefly from the function, components selection, hardware circuit design and software design of the control system is expounded. The system after a long time to electricity to run the test, can hold the control parameters in the range of allowable error, this shows that the system has high reliability. In addition, the system also has the operation simple and convenient, parameters, real-time display, etc. At the same time the system flexible design, simple


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