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PAGE IV 摘 要 随着CNG加气站的快速发展,CNG加气站的安全问题日益突出。由于CNG具有易燃易爆的危险特性以及加气站系统在高压状态下运行的特殊条件,加之多数CNG加气站都是建造在城市人口比较密集处,一旦发生事故,不但会导致生命财产损失,而且极易造成公众人员的恐慌。公安消防部队作为专业的救援力量,在化学事故应急救援过程中发挥着骨干作用。在救援过程中,消防指挥员如何快速、准确地进行预测危害范围,有效组织应急救援行动,是消防部队急需解决的一项重要课题。 本课题根据100起CNG加气站典型事故案例,统计分析了CNG加气站事故的类型、后果及其危害。在分析比较3种危害范围定量预测方法的基础上,根据CNG加气站的危险特性,采用事故后果评价法,归纳总结了CNG加气站泄漏、火灾、爆炸3类事故后果的计算模型及ALOHA软件的模拟方法。根据不同的危害区域,确定了毒气浓度伤害阈值、热通量伤害阈值和冲击波超压伤害阈值,设计了CNG加气站事故危害范围定量预测程序。本文以上海市CNG加气站事故为例,利用泄漏模型、喷射火模型和蒸气云爆炸模型对气体浓度、热辐射和冲击波造成的危害范围进行计算,同时运用ALOHA软件对3类事故的危害范围进行了模拟。通过两种方法的对比分析,结果表明:二者的计算结果基本一致,能够为消防指挥员制定指挥决策、采取应急措施提供依据,为应急管理部门制定预案以及CNG加气站的安全管理提供参考。 关键词: CNG加气站; 事故后果; 危害范围; 公式; ALOHA;预测 Abstract With the rapid development of CNG filling stations, CNG filling stations have become increasingly prominent security issues. As with the explosive danger of CNG filling stations in the system characteristics and special conditions of high pressure operation, together with most of the construction of CNG filling tations are densely populated in the city, in the event of an accident, not only will result in loss of life and property, but also can easily cause panic in the public personnel. As a professional fire brigade rescue forces,emergency rescue in the hemical plays a key role in the process. In the rescue process, the fire commanders how to quickly and accurately predict the scope of hazards and effectively organize emergency rescue operations, it is an important issue to be resolved for fire forces. The subject of CNG filling stations under 100 accidents, analyses the CNG filling stations in the type of accident. Quantitative prediction of the range based on the risk characteristics of CNG filling stations, the use of the Consequence Assessment Act, summarized the CNG filling stations leak, fire, explosion, Class 3 model and ALOHA software simulation.Depending on the hazard area with the gas concentration, heat flux damage threshold and damage threshold blast pressure, the design of the CNG filling stations in the range o


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