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PAGE16 / NUMPAGES16 A+优质教WeChat amos4321 2018年高三一模作文汇编 1.黄浦区 2017年已接近尾声,还记得年初你为自己定下的小目标吗?不知你是否实现了你的小目标?发一个微信朋友圈来回顾一下吧(文中请不要出现真实的校名人名)。你的朋友圈文字内容需包括: 1. 你的2017年度小目标; 2. 你为实现年度小目标所作的努力; 3. 你实现(或没有实现)年度小目标的经验总结。 范文: My new year’s resolution for 2017 was that I should be able to communicate with foreign people in English. To achieve this goal, I had asked my English teacher for help. According to her suggestions, I made up a plan. Firstly, I started with simply reading English articles and found many pronunciation errors in my reading after listening to the video tape of its recording. Then, I tried to learn phonetics and practice one syllable after another again and again. I started with a single word, then a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph and finally the whole passage. After 3-month practice, I was able to read an article fluently without making any mistakes in pronunciation. I felt happy. Next, I practiced my listening. By listening to a passage four times, I required myself to take it down without spelling errors or any information blank. Last but not least, I installed an app called Shanbei Oral English on my phone to practice both my listening and speaking. It’s like having conversations with a robot. I had to understand what it said to me and answer its questions accordingly. After practicing for almost 8 months, I had my first talking session with an American teacher in our school. I was proud of myself. What I have learnt from this experience is something as a saying goes: no pain no gain. Though the process of learning could be dull and tiring, it’s worth all the efforts after I achieved my goal. Even if I didn’t, it’s still a valuable part of my life. 阅卷作文 8+8+4=20 The wonderful year of 2017 is drawing to an end. I remember that I set an annual goal to keep fit at the beginning of 2017, since staying healthy is crucial to ensuring my st


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