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PAGE 1 商 业 合 同 Commercial Contract 编码 (No) : 日期 (Date) : 地点 (Signed at) : 买方 : Buyer : Add : Telp : Fax : 卖方 : Seller : 地址 : Add : Tel : Fax: 买方,卖方,双方经协商同意按下列条款成交 由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: The Seller and the buyer have agreed of the transactions according to the following terms and conditions set forth as below : 一 、 品名,规格,质量,数量 , 价格,等等。 Name of commodity, specification, quality, quantity, price, ect. 品名 Goods Name 规格 Type 数量 Quantity 单价 (美金) Unit Price (USD) 总额 (美金) Amount (USD) 总额: Amount: 总计: Say total:us dollars only 二、 付款条件 2. Terms of payment 本合同所售货物按照以下规定付款: This contract payment terms will be made with payments in accordance with following: 2.1 装运前100%付款。 100% payment before delivery 。 2.2 卖方银行账户 : 开户名 : 开户行 : 账号 : Seller Account : SWIFT : BANK NAME : ADD. : USD ACCOUNT : BENEFICIARY NAME : 三、 包装及唛头 3. Packing and Marking 包装 : 产品内外无品牌标志, 内垫安全泡沫, 因包装引起的损伤由卖方负责。 Package : without trademark on it, with safety bubble fixed, the damage cost will be covered by Seller. 四、 交货与装运期限 4. Time of delivery and shipment 收到买方100%付款后 30 天内交货,允许分批装运和转运。 The products must delivery within 30 days after received 100% payment from Buyer, allowing transhipment and partial shipment . 五、 违约责任 5. Liability for breach of contract 5.1 因卖方交货延迟原因致使买方的出口合同不能履行的,买方有权解除本合同,卖方应赔偿买方因此产生的一切损失。 If by Sellers delay of the production time make the Buyer failed perform the contract ,The Buyer has the right to cancel this contract, the Seller should burden the loss. 5.2 买方应以最初确认的客观实物的材质和下订单前确认的形状尺寸作为验货的标准,如卖方由于其他非人为的自然因素,无法按时交货,将不属被索赔范围之内。 The inspection of the Buyer should based the standard as which initial model confirmed. If the Seller can not delivery the goods on time due to other non-human natural factors it will b


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