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Chemical Engineering Chemical engineering is the development of processes and the design and operation of plants in which materials undergo changes in physical or chemical state on a technical scale. 化学工程是过程的开发和工厂的设计与操作,在工厂中材料以某种技术规模进行的物理或化学状态的变化。 Applied throughout the process industries, it is founded on the principles of chemical, physics, and mathematics. 它建立在化学、物理和数学的原则上,适用于整个流程工业。 The laws of physical chemistry and physics govern the practicability and efficiency of chemical engineering operations. 物理化学和物理定律支配着化工业务的实用性和效率。 Energy changes, deriving from thermodynamic considerations, are particularly important. 能量的变化,从热力学考虑派生,显得尤其重要。 Mathematics is a basic tool in optimization and modeling. 数学是一个优化和建模的基本工具。 Optimization means arranging materials, facilities, and energy to yield as productive and economical an operation as possible. 优化意味着合理安排材料、设备和能源,尽可能生产经济多产的操作。 Modeling is the construction of theoretical mathematical prototypes of complex process systems, commonly with the aid of computers. 建模是将复杂过程系统建设出其理论数学原型的过程,通常需要借助电脑完成。 Chemical engineering is as old as the process industries. 化学工程和过程工业一样古老。 Its heritage dates from the fermentation and evaporation processes operated by early civilizations. 其遗产起源于早期文明的发酵和蒸发过程。 Modern chemical engineering emerged with the the development of large-scale, chemical-manufacturing operations in the second half of the 19th century. 在19世纪下半叶,随着大规模的化学制造业操作的发展,现代化学工程出现了。 Throughout its development as an independent discipline, chemical engineering has been directed toward solving problems of designing and operating large plants for continuous production. 化学工程作为一门独立的学科,纵观其发展过程,它已经朝向解决设计问题和经营连续生产的大型工厂的问题。 Manufacture of chemicals in the mid-19th century consisted of modest craft operations. 在19世纪中叶,化工生产由小型的手工操作组成。 Increase in demand, public concern at the emission of noxious effluents, and competition between rival processes provided the incentives for greater efficiency. 需求的增加,公众对有害物质排放的关注,和与对手的竞争过程为创造更高效率提供了激励机制。 This



