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摘 要
Economic development in the feelings brought about by the improvement in living conditions, people also experience an unprecedented level of environmental degradation, shortage of resources, ecological crisis brought about by threats, etc.. A search for harmony between man and nature, resources and ecological balance of the rationalization of the use of the concept has gradually become the trend of consumption. In this green consumer driven concept, a new marketing idea - green marketing, has been integrated into the enterprise to the marketing system, and has emerged as a trend in the development of corporate marketing.
???? This article focuses on the analysis of marketing theory through the analysis of the green on the hotel service industry and environmental analysis, to find the hotel to implement green marketing strategies. Select articles of Jinlangang Hotel study found that green marketing strategy hotel formalism and from the hotel there is the operating characteristic of the service sector and further from the two aspects of internal and external analysis of the root of the problem. Made in the marketing strategy of the hotel before the macro-environment, the competitive environment and internal environment of the three aspects of the implementation of the hotels green marketing environment analysis. And on this basis, the green-star hotel has made the consumer market segmentati
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