2018级通信工程.docx - 武汉科技大学.docxVIP

2018级通信工程.docx - 武汉科技大学.docx

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2018级通信工程.docx - 武汉科技大学.docx

院教学指导委员主任(院长) 学院分管教学副院长 审核人 (专业责任教授负责人) 执笔人 通信工程专业培养方案 Curriculum for Undergraduate of Communications Engineering Major 一、培养目标 本专业培养具有综合的通信工程基本理论和专门知识,具备德、智、体、美全面发展、基础理论厚实、知识结构合理、适应能力强、富有创新创业精神和国际视野,能在通信工程领域从事通信网络的研发、设计、组网、部署及调试等方面工作的高素质应用型人才。期待毕业生五年左右达到以下目标: 1. 具备扎实的数学、自然科学基础能力,良好的人文素养、社会责任感和职业道德; 2. 运用通信工程专业领域的基础理论和专业知识,具有创新意识、各类通信系统和设备进行分析、设计、开发、应用与维护、技术管理等方面的工程实践能力; 3. 具有文献检索和资料查询的能力,了解通信技术前沿动态和发展趋势; 4. 具有良好的表达和沟通能力以及团队合作和组织管理能力; 5. 具有终身学习的意识, 具备不断学习和适应发展的能力; 6. 具有一定的国际视野和良好的外语应用能力。 = 1 \* ROMAN I.Training objectives The major aims at developing multi-skill technology talented person with the basic theory and expertise in communications engineering, the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique and art, who has solid theoretic foundation, reasonable knowledge structure, strong application capabilities, innovative entrepreneurial spirit and international vision. He is the high-quality applied talents, who can engage in the communications engineering field in the research and development, design, network building, deployment and debugging. Graduates are expected to achieve the following goals in about five years: 1. Be equipped with solid mathematical, basic knowledge of natural science, good humanistic accomplishment, social responsibility and professional ethics; 2. Master the basic theory and professional knowledge of the field of communications engineering, have the capability of innovative consciousness, complex communication system modeling, analysis, design, development, application and maintenance, technical management and other aspects of engineering practice; 3. Have the capability of literature search and data query, understand the cutting edge of communication technology and development trends; 4. Have good command and communication skills, teamwork and organization and management skills; 5. Have a sense of lifelong learning, have the ability to continue to learn and adapt to development; 6. Have international vision and good forei



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