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PAGE PAGE 1 本科生毕业设计(论文) 题 目 浅谈柴静采访艺术 —以柴静在央视纪实节目《看见》中采访为例 摘 要 新闻采访是新闻工作的重要环节之一,也是新闻写作的前提和关键。作为新闻戏剧的主角,记者肩负着寻求事实、探索真相的重要使命。记者通过访问、观察等方式采集新闻材料,作为新闻雏形的接触者,同样也是新闻演变的主导者,记者相对新闻的重要性不言而喻。本文通过对柴静采访特点的介绍,以及对其采访艺术进行评析,进而分析身为记者应该如何采访,如何展现最为真实的新闻。其中着重阐释柴静如何以自己独特的方式去采访,贴近被访者心灵,寻求最佳新闻表达的方式,将新闻的温度把握的得当适宜。在新闻采访这个行业,柴静为我们树立了一个榜样,或许她还不够完美,但她独具一格的采访,值得每一个新闻工作者去思考,去权衡。 关键词:柴静;《看见》;采访艺术;聆听;情感 Abstract News Interviewing is one of the important link of the news work, and it also is the premise and the key of news writing. As the leading role of news drama, reporters shoulder important mission of seeking facts of news and discovering truth of it. Through the way of visiting, obsering and some other ways, reporters collect news materials. As the contact person of news truth, and the master of the the evolution of the news, the importance of news reporters is self-evident. This paper through introducing the characteristics of ChaiJings interview, and evaluating the art her interview , and then analyzes how to interview as a reporter, and how to show the real news. Especially,This paper explains how ChaiJing nterview the respondents ,then close their mind in her unique way to find the best way of expressing news and grasping the news appropriately. ChaiJing sets us an example in the field of news interview. Perhaps she is not perfect enough, but the type of her interview deserves every journalists thinking and balancing. Key words:ChaiJing; insight; Interview with art; Listening; emotional 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc324357356 第一章 柴静采访特点 PAGEREF _Toc324357356 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc324357357 1.1 新闻的背后是心灵 PAGEREF _Toc324357357 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc324357358 1.1.1 采访中新闻情感信息的传递 PAGEREF _Toc324357358 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc324357359 1.1.2 用心聆听新闻 PAGEREF _Toc324357359 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc324357360 1.2 让现场说话 PAGEREF _Toc324357360 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc324357361 1.2.1 真实的现场更具说服力 PAGEREF _Toc324357361 \h 2 HYPER



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