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船舶保安检查用语 How often do you perform security drills? How do you intensify actions to prevent unauthorized access to restricted areas as the security level increase from security level 2 to 3? What were your responsibilities during the drill? PSC检查日常用语 登轮常用语 PSCO:Hello, are you the sailor on duty?(你好,你是值班水手吗?) Sailor:Yes,I am. Who are you looking for? (是的,请问你找谁?) PSCO:I’m the Port State Control Officer.We want to talk to your captain./captain on board?(我是港口国监督官,船长在船上吗?) 值班水手需要根据保安检查的要求检查ID card和随身携带的包。 常用语为:Would you please/Could you please show me your ID card? 或者 May I check your bag/briefcase? PSC检查 根据IMO A.1052(27)决议,PSC官员上船第1步是初始检查 PSC官员通常需要船方提供以下证书和文件: Ship certificate; Last psc inspection report; Crew list(Signature and Stamp); Ship’s particular等。 首先是对船舶证书和有关文件的检查 PSCO:Would you please show me all your ship’s certificates,Captain?(船长,请出示所有的船舶证书?) Captain: What certificate do you want,sir.(先生,你需要什么证书) PSCO:I need all of statutory certificates.(所有的法定证书)主要证书包括: SC、SE、SR、LL、IOPP、IAPP、ISPP、SMC、DOC、ISSC 证书的检查点主要包括: 1、证书的有效期限(valid date); 2、证书的年度和期间检验是否符合公约要求(Annual survey and intermediate survey)。 3、附件(Supplement) 经常检查的文件包括: 1、oil record book; 2、Garbage record book; 3、SOPEP 4、Annual test report(VDR、AIS、SSAS、LSA annual 5-yealy) 主要的有关安全和保安的培训和演习记录。 Abandon ship drill and Fire fighting drill Security drill 常用的英语会话有: Please show me……?(the annual test report of EPIRB,LIFEBOAT 等等) 在检查证书和文件的过程中,PSCO通常会向船员问一些问题以确认记录的正确性。例如:PSCO:How often do you conduct the oil spill drill? Captain: Every three month. PSCO: But according to the drill record of SOPEP, the last drill was carried out 6 months ago. Captain: The last oil spill drill was conducted in June. My crew forgot to record it in the SOPEP,but I remembered recording in the SOPEP Drills Log Book. Crew certificate(船员证书) PSCO:please show me crew endorsement issued by flag state? Captain:Ok,all officers hold the endorsement except for the third officer. He just signed on one month ago and his endorsement is underway. The


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