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PAGE 19 学生毕业论文 题目:流动人口管理制度创新问题研究—以黑龙江省哈尔滨市为例 摘 要 随着哈尔滨市流动人口数量的逐年增加,哈尔滨市政府和各相关部门面临的管理压力越来越大。流动人口管理政策制定得是否合理,决定了中央有关构建和谐社会的精神在哈尔滨是否能得到有效的贯彻,决定了哈尔滨的 HYPERLINK /Economic/ 经济是否能够持续地高速 HYPERLINK /fazhan/ 发展。 ???? 本文正是在这一背景下,对哈尔滨市流动人口管理政策进行了理论上的分析和根据哈尔滨的实际情况进行问题剖析。通过对哈尔滨市按时间顺序对哈尔滨相关政策的纵向梳理,更清晰地呈现哈尔滨的流动人口管理政策演变过程。在此基础上,本文通过对已出台的哈尔滨市流动人口管理政策进行分析,借鉴国内外在这方面的先进经验,针对目前出现的主要问题,引入新公共管理理论中所提倡的职能分离、下放权力和以市场为导向等理论,为完善哈尔滨市流动人口管理政策提出各方面的对策。旨在通过本文,尝试着对哈尔滨市流动人口管理政策进行一个比较全面的研究,并对现行管理上出现的主要问题进行剖析,从中看出一些政策的不足,从而得出完善相关政策的对策,那么笔者的目的也就达到了。 ???? 本文的研究方法主要有 HYPERLINK /lishi/ 历史比较法、内容分析法等,分别对国内和国外的相关管理政策进行研究,得出有益于哈尔滨市借鉴的经验。本文的创新之处在于把对管理政策的研究作为本文的切入点,利用纵横交错的比较对研究内容进行细化。 关 键 词:流动人口? 管理政策? 对策建议 Abstract With the city of Harbin floating population has increased year by year, the Harbin city hall and the relevant departments of the management more and more pressure. The management of floating population policy whether reasonable, determines the Central Committee on building a harmonious society in the spirit of Harbin can be carried out effectively, decided Harbin whether the economy can continue to rapid development. This article is in this background, the management of floating population in Harbin city policy for a theoretical analysis and the actual condition according to Harbin problem analysis. Through to the Harbin city according to the time sequence on Harbin related policy paper, clearly Harbin floating population management policy evolution. On this basis, this paper has introduced the management of floating population in Harbin city policy analysis, draw lessons from the domestic and international advanced experience, in view of the main problems, introducing the new public management theory advocated the separation of functions, decentralization of power and market oriented theory, to improve the management of floating population in Harbin city policy put forward various aspects of the countermeasures. This paper aims to, try on the management of floating population in Harbin city


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