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Diagnosis of Hypertension Stage of Hypertension Classification Of Hypertension Signs And Symptoms Most of the time, there are no symptoms. About one out of every 100 (1%) people with hypertension is diagnosed with severe high blood pressure (accelerated or malignant hypertension) at their first visit to the doctor. Treatment ---Lifestyle 1.Maintain a healthy weight. Cause and Pathogenesis ---Inherited genetic factors About half of patients have family history of hypertension, they were born to have higher risk to suffer hypertension. Cause and Pathogenesis ---Dietary factors Cause and Pathogenesis excessive sodium intake Sodium and water retention Extracellular fluid increase ---Sodium intake Cardiac output increase hypertension Cause and Pathogenesis obesity Blood lipids increase Narrow diameter of blood vessel ---Obesity hypertension Cause and Pathogenesis ---Alcohol consumption Cause and Pathogenesis ---Other factors Psychosocial factors Physical activity Neuroendocrine?factors Environmental factors Cause and Pathogenesis Signs And Symptoms Treatment 1 4 2 5 3 Precaution 6 Contents Medical Qigong Signs And Symptoms Complications Causes And Pathogenesis Signs And Symptoms ------口腔2601100124谭倩 Diuretics(利尿药) Beta-blockers(β-阻断剂) ACE Inhibitors(血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂) ARBs (肾上腺素能受体结合剂) Calcium Channel Blockers(钙通道阻滞剂) Treatment ----Drug Treatment Dietary Approaches(饮食疗法) to Stop Hypertension -- involves eating more fruits, vegetables, whole-grain foods(全谷类食物), low-fat dairy(低脂奶), fish, poultry(禽肉), and nuts(坚果). You should eat less red meat(红肉), saturated fats(饱和脂肪), and sweets(甜食). Treatment ----Food Therapy ?yellow lotus tea(黄莲花茶); ? Chrysanthemum Tea (菊花茶) ? Hawthorn tea(山楂茶) Treatment ---Tea Therapy ?Engage in regular aerobic physical activity ?At least 30 minutes per day ,and BP drops 4-9 points with increased activity. Treatment ---Exercise Yoga(瑜伽), tai chi(太极), and deep bre


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