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- 摘要 石涛在中国绘画史上是开创性的一代宗师,不仅在绘画理论领域别具只眼,留下了一 部体系完备、思想深刻的美学名著《苦瓜和尚画语录》,同时在绘画创作实践中也独树一 帜,留下了大量的经典山水名作。气作为中华民族所独具且具有普遍意义的哲学概念,在 中国传统哲学中有着非常重要的地位,气对作为中国文化现象之一的中国绘画有着长期的 影响,在中国山水画上体现非常显著。本文正选取了“元气论”这一独特的视角,运用中 国特有的朴素唯物主义的元气自然论哲学的观念去探究、分析石涛的理论和实践,来阐述 他对中国绘画的巨大贡献。鉴于他留下题画诗、画跋以及《画语录》等大量理论,我抓住 了他的理论核心“一画”,从本体论和生成论探寻“一画”内涵的高远命义,突破单纯技 法的一根造型的线,而是融宇宙本体、个体生命以及绘画艺术本质为一体。他的整套理论 体系融汇着他对中国文化的深刻理解,特别是包含朴素唯物主义的元气自然论哲学与美学 的贯通,是石涛自身博览群书以及个人实践经验的结晶。对于石涛的绘画实践,我借助他 自身总结的绘画理论作为理解他绘画作品的有效途径,体会、感悟石涛作品中渗透的元气 论的思想。本文在全面总结元气论渗透下的作品总特征的基础上,重点选取了石涛早期、 中期、后期一些代表性的作品,进行考察、分析。通过分析认为,不论是受新安画派影响 较大的早期作品表现出的云烟缥缈图景,所体现的一气流行的生命系统;还是融合自然搜 尽奇峰的中期作品形成的苍郁恣肆的独特风格,所体现出的混沌的宇宙原初;再到形成自 己独特面貌的后期作品所达到的物我交融、天人合一的天然境界,所体现出的天地之“元 气”与画家身心之“元气”的交融合一,无不折射出元气论的深刻影响。 关键词:石涛 一画 绘画理论 绘画实践 元气 Abstract Shi Taos history is a pioneering master of Chinese painting, not only in the field of painting theory able to see what others can not, leaving one system complete and profound ideas of aesthetic masterpieces of the bitter gourd monk art quotations, and in practice is unique in the painting, leaving a large number of classical landscapes of masterpieces.As a unique and universal concept of philosophy of the Chinese nation, has a very important position in Chinas traditional philosophy, as one of the Chinese culture Chinese painting had a long-term impact, reflected in the Chinese landscape painting is very significant.This article was selected a strength on the its a unique perspective, using idiosyncratic concepts of naive materialism of the vigor of natural philosophy to research, analysis of Shi Taos theory and practice, to his great contribution to Chinese painting.As he leave painting, epilogue, and the pictures, such as quotations from a large number of theories, I seized him by the theoretical core a painting, from the exploration of the ontology, and build on the draw connotation of high life, break through the simple technique of a model line, but harmonizing ontology of the universe, individual life and the essence of pai



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