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英文名著3000 本
The Life of Flavius Josephus
by Flavius Josephus
Translated by William Whiston
英文名著3000 本
1. The family from which I am derived is not an ignoble
one, but hath descended all along from the priests; and as
nobility among several people is of a different origin, so
with us to be of the sacerdotal dignity, is an indication of
the splendor of a family.Now, I am not only sprung from a
sacerdotal family in general,but from the first of the
twenty-four (1) courses; and as among us there is not only
a considerable difference between one family of each
course and another, I am of the chief family of that first
course also; nay, further, by my mother I am of the royal
blood; for the children of Asamoneus, from whom that
family was derived, had both the office of the high
priesthood, and the dignity of a king, for a long time
together. I will accordingly set down my progenitors in
order. My grandfathers father was named Simon, with the
addition of Psellus: he lived at the same time with that son
of Simon the high priest, who first of all the high priests
英文名著3000 本
was named Hyrcanus. This Simon Psellus had nine sons,
one of whom was Matthias, called Ephlias: he married the
daughter of Jonathan the high priest, which Jonathan was
the first of the sons of Asamoneus, who was high priest,
and was the brother of Simon the high priest also. This
Matthias had a son called Matthias Curtus, and that in the
first year of the government of Hyrcanus: his sons name
was Joseph, born in the ninth year of the reign of
Alexandra: his son Matthias was born in the tenth year o